Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Good Morning Grand Haven

I.    Current happenings in weather/time
      A.  Just past 2:00 a.m. in "The City"
      B.  Current outdoor temperature, 19 degrees
            1.  Felt like 10 degrees
            2.  The wind was biting out of the north
      C.  Today's high, 31 degrees
            1.  Tomorrow's high, 40 degrees with showers
            2.  Temperature drops to 37 degrees on Friday
      D.  Sugar the Weather Dog, was ready for our morning walk
            1.  We took our usual morning route
            2.  Stopped in for a newspaper at the local independent bookseller

II.   A.  Jax shoulder felt better on Monday night/Tuesday morning
            1.  Took an OTC pain killer
            2.  Allowed me to sleep and not get up
      B.  It was nice to stay in bed for a change
            1.  I slept on my side for a while
            2.  No pain equaled lots of gain
            3.  No blog as a result

III.  Daily activities for Monday and Tuesday
       A.  Cleaned the floors as planned
            1.  Steam cleaner cleared of calcium using vinegar
            2.  Floors looked great
       B.  Worked on our puzzle. 
             1.  Made great progress
             2.  Getting harder as it comes into clear focus
       C.  Highlighted for Mary
             1.  So many words to highlight
             2.  Looks like an artist's palette
       D. Played the "girls"
             1.  Typed some music for clarity
             2.  Had to transpose some scales
       E.  Breakfast was Cheerios and an apple
            1.  About two bowls left to go 
            2.  Here comes the raisin bran or crisped rice
       F.  Mary went to the store during a work break
            1. She didn't take the cans for redemption
            2. I had to stop highlighting to await further instructions

IV.  On tap for today
       A.  More highlighting
             1.  New highlighters are now here
             2.  The smaller ones wear out more quickly
       B.  Another walk with Sugar the Weather Dog
            1.  Time to vary our route if possible
            2.  Still have to walk slowly on slippery sidewalks and streets
       C. Trash day
            1.  Recycling bin needs to go out
            2.  All trash needs to be collected
       D. More exercises
            1.  No pain still equals gain
            2.  Getting easier each time
       E.  More puzzle solving
            1. Our jigsaw 
            2.  Another crossword
       F.  Meals as time allows and Mary prepares
            1.  She has been on an ethnic kick the last two days.
            2.  Tuesday's lunch was Swiss cheese and Sauerkraut with a side of creamed spinach

V.   Miscellaneous
       A.  Heard trains, didn't see them
       B.  Sunrise at 7:37 a.m.
       C.  Sunset at 8:02 p.m. 
       D.  Going back to old blog style
       E.  Ciao            

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