Saturday, March 8, 2014

Good early morning GH. It is just past 2:30 a.m. in "The City," and the current temperature is 33°. It looks like we will be in the thirties for the next several days. On Tuesday or Wednesday, depending on the source consulted, we drop into the twenties for one day and then return to the thirties. Hopefully, we stay there or above for a long time. Indoors, 70° is the current temperature. The view out the Weather Window is dark, but at 2:00 a.m., that's to be expected.

I had to throw in a mention of an activity that I accomplished last Wednesday. I noticed that the striker plate was missing from one of the doors here in the estate. Since we have antique door hardware, I was afraid that I"d have to go shopping in various stores to locate a replacement. However, something jogged my memory, and I went to the bench in the man-cave. Lo and behold, I found a striker plate in one of the drawers. With a little help from my chisels, a hammer, and a drill motor, I successfully installed the plate. Mary didn't even notice that we had a plate missing, but I did, and therefore I just had to effect a replacement. A complete success.

I have to thank Adam for his rearrangement of the man-cave about two years ago. Since I sit at the bench periodically and open the drawers, I was able to remember that I had that plate. That was about my limit for woodworking this week. My shoulder is still aching, but when I am careful, I can do many things.

Speaking of that achy shoulder, that's why I am up right now, waiting for the pain pill to kick in. Writing this reminded me to get up and stretch my aching back. Mary says that I need to do that more often, and she is right. There are concessions that have to be made to age. Mary and I noted that we have been unable to walk much this year. Too much snow and ice.

Mary checked past entries in her blog en route to looking up something else, and found pictures that showed green grass in Central Park and hardly any snow in late winter last year. In a picture she took in Duncan Woods, near the hospital, one of her blogs shows no snow in January 2013. Along with the caption, her blog describes she and Sugar the Weather Dog walking with me to a doctor's appointment at the hospital. They turned off at Duncan Woods and I kept going. What a difference a year makes.

Speaking of the hospital, I went to my P/T appointment and all went well. However, there are somethings that I still can't do, so the therapist gave me some additional exercises and a different resistance band to help me at home. He said don't hurt yourself, but keep up the exercising. He stretched my shoulder before my personal efforts, and that helped a lot.

Yesterday, after my appointment, Mary and I journeyed to GR to see the Home and Garden show. Mary took some pictures and she will blog about our visit. A lot of walking, more than we have done in quite a spell. We did get some useful items, so the trip wasn't wasted. However, the potholes in the roads leading to and from GR, and in GR itself, were a challenge. I still wonder where the money that this state collects in a special gasoline tax to repair roads is going. I must mention, that I got my annual Shamrock Shake on the way home. One a year is fine with me.

Today is Soup and Slider Fest at the Post. Local restaurants will be purveying their efforts, and there will be live music. That will consume part of our morning and early afternoon. Since I need to stay out of my puzzle chair, that's all good. Speaking of getting up periodically, I am doing that right now. I also need to not overuse the phrase "Speaking of," any more in this blog. Oops, I just did.

When we got back to GH, we stopped in at our favorite watering hole. One of the wait staff, who has been on maternity leave, has returned. She shared pictures of her new baby. Cute and smiley, just as they should be.

One train this morning at 4:15 a.m., heading north. Twin locomotives, several covered hopper cars, three box cars, one lone black tank car, and what appeared to be hopper cars that are older and well used. I must have missed the southbound train earlier last night. That's okay, there is always another day.

Tomorrow morning, I'll share my semi-annual experiences with setting my wrist watch ahead for daylight savings time.. I checked my archives and found the setting instructions, and I think I've got it. At the risk of sounding trite, only time will tell.

Sunrise will be at 7:07 a.m., and sunset at 6:40 p.m. I brought in the last and final box of cheerios from the pantry on Friday. I still have to finish the box in the cabinet, but I need to add to the available amount. As I told Mary, I like cold cereal, but I need a change to something other than Cheerios. Hint, hint. Mary, next time you are at the store, buy some raisin bran, crisped rice, wheat flakes, corn flakes, anything other than Cheerios. There I've said it. Ciao.

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