Sunday, March 30, 2014

Good early morning GH. It is just before 3:00 a.m. in "The City." Our current indoor temperature is 70 digitally reported degrees. Outdoors, the temperature available from the analog instruments in the window of the Weather Center, is 31°, as we head down to our morning low of 23° and then back to the anticipated high of 41°. I'll likely wait until the sun rises at 7:29 a.m. before Sugar the Weather Dog and I take the first of our walks. Then, if I am lucky, Sugar will take me for another walk later in the day, just as she did on Saturday.

Speaking of Saturday, I finished the highlighting for Mary and then I finished the puzzle. That is all except for the missing piece. I searched the vacuum bag, but alas, it was not there. I could have made another dog from the hair I did find there, but no puzzle piece. Now I am awaiting a message from the publisher of the puzzle to see if they can help. Mary has some ideas of her own, but I have waited this long, so a few more days won't hurt.

That book I highlighted for Mary, I won't share the title nor the subject, enlightened me to a part of history that I hadn't known about. I guess I should never be amazed, but I continually am. Today I feel the need for some additional interaction with the girls along with those walks with Sugar. Mary has to keep on keeping on at her work. I will do some highlighting on my next assignment, but that will not be my major focus.

At 2:20 p.m., MSU tips off against CT, while at 5:25 p.m., MI tips off against KY in the Final Four of the NCAA. As you can imagine, all eyes here in MI will be focused on both of those games. What a trip it would be, but the chances of both MI teams making the final round are mighty small.

Speaking of sports, to borrow from the immortal Howard Cosell, the MLB season officially opened with the Dodgers vs. the D'Backs in Australia, although they played on a cricket field, so that isn't baseball. Here in MI, the Tigers open the season at Comerica Park on Monday afternoon with what are promised to be warmer temperatures. I had mistakenly thought that they opened the later evening. My beloved Red Sox, open on Monday too, at 3:05 p.m. in Baltimore. The boys in blue open in Pittsburgh at 1:05 p.m. The Caps opener is still a week a half away. Let me repeat, I am born again, there's new grass on the field.

Sunset will be at 8:06 p.m. Ciao.

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