Saturday, March 29, 2014

Good morning GH. It is just past 6:00 a.m. in "The City," and the current temperature, slightly before the sun rises at 7:31 a.m., is 32°. When the sun sets at 8:06 p.m., the temperature will have risen to 41°. Monday, opening day for the Tigers, our temperature is expected to be 54° and in Detroit, a high of 60° plus is possible. Then winter returns with a vengeance. One good thing, here in the Weather Office, the temperature is a climate controlled 70° most of the time.

Friday I worked more on our puzzle, and the missing piece is still missing. I haven't yet cut open the vacuum bag, and I won't until I determine that only the one piece is missing. Mary thinks that we should send a letter to the puzzle manufacturer regarding the missing piece and ask for help. Like Adam always says, it never hurts to ask, the worst that can happen is that they say there is nothing they can do. I have to agree, there is no harm in asking.

After I went to a very successful P/T session yesterday afternoon, I went on safari to the grocery store. I returned the cans, bought a lot of things to refill our larders, and then set out for home. A successful safari is one in which you meet your goals and then make it home unharmed. Alas, poor Sugar the Weather Dog did not get a walk for the second day in a row. Today for sure. She needs it, and I need it.

Speaking of walking, when I sent my jeans to the wash machine yesterday, I forgot to remove my pedometer from the pocket. The result was predictable. I ended up with a waterlogged pedometer that had lost its display. Mary and I placed it into a bowl of rice to try removing the water safely. Another day or so, and I should have an answer on the device's future. That always seems to work on TV.

Today, I plan to finish the highlighting that I am working on, possibly finish our puzzle, with the exception of that one piece, and walk with Sugar. Mary and I went out for dinner yesterday, so I have no pressing need to go out beyond that walk with my intrepid Weather Dog.

Both B'ball teams from Michigan won yesterday in the NCAA, both by two points. On to the next round.

Opening day is nearly upon is for the Tigers, my beloved Red Sox, the hapless boys in blue, and our own West Michigan Whitecaps. Once baseball is here, everything will be fine.


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