Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Good morning GH. Didjamissme? No matter, it is just past 2:00 a.m. in "The City," and I just didn't have the need to get up and blog yesterday. Today, my shoulder is aching again, so I am up to wait for the OTC pain pills to kick in.That takes about an hour before I can go back to bed and sleep comfortably. So I might as well blog about my day.

Our current temperature is 26° as we head for our pleasant high of 44° under partly cloudy skies. In fact, we should stay above freezing until Sunday, before we plunge back into the 20s. Oh well, next week we are supposed to reach 33° on Wednesday and into the 40s by Thursday. One can only hope. I took some pictures for my winter chronology, so I'll include a few at the end.

Sunday was a slow day around here. I worked some on our puzzle, Mary worked some on her work, and Sugar the Weather Dog  and I took a walk. It was my intent to walk down to the waterfront with her, but when I hit Washington downtown I turned tail, along with Sugar, and headed for home. My cheeks were frozen by the time we got back. Sugar was also very insistent yesterday too, so I had to take her for another walk. It wasn't as windy yesterday, so Sugar and I were able to walk a bit farther. Now that she knows I can walk with her again, she is very demanding. I like to believe that she knows that I need the exercise.

Otherwise, Mary and I worked on things around the house. We decided that if we won the lottery, we would still stay here in GH. We would do a few tune-up type things around and to the house, and do a bit more traveling. We all need our dreams.

Today, I plan to work more on our puzzle and do more reading. I can't puzzle for long, because sitting for an extended period in a hard chair takes a toll on my back. Actually, an office style chair produces the same effect. I used to get that when I had to do an extended period of grading when I taught. That just leaves reading in a soft chair. After my morning constitutional, courtesy of Sugar the Weather Dog, I might go out to the big-box home/hardware store and the local grocery, but that allows me to get up and out and avoid sitting in a chair for too long.

I did play a few tunes on the "Girls" both days, and I may add in a few more tunes today. Otherwise, nothing else is on tap. Today, sunrise will be at 7:52 a.m. and sunset at 7:51 p.m.. We are just one minute short of 12 full hours of daylight. I'll look at my picture library and add those now. Ciao.

As you can see, Ragus is slowly reappearing.

Our front porch rockers are too.

I cut the snow away from the trees, and now the back forty is reappearing.

Same here

This is not a picture of Washington, D.C., no snow on the driveway.
It is also not L.A., because the ground isn't shaking. 

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