Monday, March 3, 2014

Good early morning GH. We have just passed 12:00 a.m., and the current temperature in "The City" is 1°. If you are keeping score, the indoor temperature is 70 degrees in the Weather Office. Our low later this morning will be -1°, as we await the forecast high of 15°. The only significant chance of snow is 50% on Tuesday. Good news, we have a chance at 32° on Friday of this week. It will feel like a heatwave. After that, we drop back into the upper 20s, so we aren't celebrating yet.

Sunday, Mary got in a little work and then we drove north to return something near the mall. We stopped at a local place near there and had lunch and a couple of PBRs. All good, including the Cole slaw that Mary pronounced the best she has had in the area. Then following a short drive back to GH, we stopped in at the Post. They are now open Sunday afternoons, and the crowds were there.

The young man who was tending bar usually comes in on Sundays to do the bills, and so he thought, "Why not be open." He had planned to sit at the end of the empty bar and get his work done. He was caught unawares by the number of people who came in. He makes a great "Bloody Mary," I think Adam would approve, and as always, the beer was cold. Good conversation and a convivial atmosphere. A good afternoon all in all.

Once home, I went upstairs to the Media Room to watch the balance of the NASCAR Race from Phoenix and when I finally journeyed downstairs, I found Mary engrossed in Angels and Demons, the movie, and so I joined her for the end. She had been contentedly knitting on my afghan that she gave me for Christmas. A few more of these wintry days, and she'll be done. Given the cold that we are experiencing, I will welcome it into my world.

She finished up downstairs and came up to bed. I came up too, but I had napped earlier in the evening, so I stayed up and I am still up now.

Earlier, I used my one and only clamp to repair my desk and its drawer. Mary estimates that I used to own 50 or 60 clamps, and she may be right. Now I own just one and it is sufficient for the tasks I need to do. I have so few tools, that Mary suggested that I may have to journey over to Steph and Adam's house to get my tinkering fix. That's okay with me. I don't really miss having a car of my own to tinker on. I sometimes get the urge, but that's a short lived feeling, so I think I can get my fix quickly.

Otherwise, not much on tap for today. More puzzle, more meals, and that's about it. My shoulder is aching a bit, so I didn't play the girls and it is hard to sleep. I have to remind myself that it is just three months since I had the surgery. I may be pressing too hard. I'll have to ask the therapist when I go there on Wednesday.

Sunrise today will be at 7:18 a.m. and sunset at 6:34 p.m. I'll get to work on the puzzle after...Tea time and take another crack at affixing the Velcro to the front of the dishwasher. The super glue didn't hold. Not so very super glue, I guess. Ciao.

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