Saturday, March 22, 2014

Good early morning GH. It is just past 4:30 a.m. in "The City." The current indoor temperature is 70° in the Weather Office. Outdoors, the temperature is 33°, which is right about where the temperature will be all day. Both Mary and I let Sugar the Weather Dog walk us to her paw-di-cure. Mary didn't go in, because they also do cats there, and she can't handle the dander. I am mostly immune, but if I overstay, I feel it too. For the Midwest, the day was grand. Temperatures were in the low forties, and the sun was shining. As we walked, the sidewalks were mostly clear.

Sugar got her paw-di-cure, and we walked back. We had to cross Beacon going and coming, and that takes two light cycles. The state has made noises about taking out the center boulevard grass to widen the road. We always have to stop in the middle, and if they follow through, I don't know how the three of us will get across.

Since the day was so beautiful, Mary decided that a walk downtown to our favorite watering hole, and then to see Sally at the Post was in order. We haven't been able to walk that much since last fall. On the way home we only had to detour around the ice and snow for a very short distance. By this time next week, we should be in a final meltdown. However, we won't see temperatures in the forties until Thursday of next week.

Today, once I return to bed, I may wake up to hear people call in and ask questions about 1995 trucks and cars with 150 thousand plus miles on their clocks. When I was just a lad, cars struggled to get to 100,000 miles and you could get a running used car for as low as $199.00. Now, used cars with 100,00 miles on the clock are just getting broken in and can cost $15,000.00. I watched a guy drive into the parking lot at our favorite watering hole in a new truck that cost near to $50,000.00, so a used vehicle that costs less with low miles is probably the way to go.

Today, more walking with the intrepid Weather dog, more exercises for my shoulder, some strumming of the girls, changing the furnace filter, laundry, maybe highlighting for Mary, and working on our puzzle. What a busy day. Sunrise will happen at 7:46 a.m., just before...Tea time and sunset will be at 7:57 p.m. Of course, Sugar will insist that she get's a long walk later this morning. I haven't yet begun letting her take me out in the afternoon too, because then she will always expect it. When she saw Mary and I go past the front window on our way downtown, her look was one of "How come I'm not going?"

That's all for now, as we close on 5:00 a.m. Ciao.

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