Friday, March 14, 2014

Good early morning GH. It is just past 4:30 a.m. in "The City," and our current temperature outdoors is 33°. Indoors the temperature is a more comfortable 71°. Today we are expecting a high of 40°, and then the only day with temperatures under 30° is Tuesday. Yee-Haw! Best of all, the precipitation predicted for next Wednesday is 40%, and that will be rain.

Thursday found me working on our puzzle, reading some, and playing "The Girls" some. What's not to like? I did some exercises too, but as is often the case, the day after my P/T, my shoulder is a bit sore. I think to day will be better. My feeling is that today will be much like yesterday, except that I may add in some laundry to stay ahead of it. For breakfast, I had my first apple in my Cheerios, shared by Sugar the Weather Dog, and I think we both enjoyed it.

After breakfast, Sugar and I took a walk to the local independent book seller and bought the newspaper before going on a more extended walkabout. Today, Mary tells me that if Sugar and I wait until it gets warmer, around midday, she will join us. Mary made a great salad for lunch, I even ate some mushrooms, and that was mostly fine with me. I wish I could like mushrooms, but I find that their texture is something that I can easily live without. Sugar, on the other hand, loves the stems that Mary would otherwise discard. Those, along with the dregs from the tuna fish can that Mary lets Sugar chase around. Sugar is fun to watch, and I truly believe that she thinks that with apples, mushroom stems, and that tuna can, she has hit the jackpot. As people have often observed, without thumbs, Sugar struggles a bit. But like they also say, the joy of the journey is a pursuit in itself. Did you ever wonder who the proverbial "They" is?

Otherwise, I like having nowhere to go, and all day to get there. Mary has to work, and I have to do the laundry. We both get to "Work from home," but I think my work is a lot easier. I also have a confession to make. Although my aching shoulder often makes me get up to allow the OTC pain pills to kick in, I find myself drawn to my blog like the proverbial moth to the flame. I'd say that I would be like lemmings to the sea, but that's a myth. Those small rodents have a periodic unexplained population explosion, but they have no desire to toss themselves into the sea. In fact, push come to shove, they are fully capable of swimming. There, I have now officially used enough proverbial sayings for one blog.

Today in GH, the sun will rise at 7:58 a.m., just before...Tea time. Sunset will occur nearly 12 hours later at 7:49 p.m. Our high temperature of 40° today, will happen about 1:00 p.m. That should work out just fine for our walking schedule. At 40°, it should feel almost balmy out there. As I, not the proverbial they, have been known to say, "What's not to like?"

I just watched the northbound train go by. This one was decidedly more fuel efficient than the one yesterday morning. The usual twin EMD GP 38 locomotives, one new and one older, towing a contingent of 55 covered hopper cars, one way older covered hopper car, one box car and two of those dreaded black tank cars. Maybe I should be more worried about those covered hopper cars. I like to believe that they are filled with cereal grains and the like. I somehow missed the southbound train.

So, that looks like about enough for today. Ciao.

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