Friday, March 28, 2014

Good early morning GH. It is just past 2:00 a.m. in "The City," and as promised, I am returning to my more traditional blog format. Our current temperature is 45° as we head down to today's high of 39°. As the days progress, we should see the temperatures warm to 41°, 46°, and 54° respectively by Monday. Then, we plunge back to 36° on Tuesday. Oh well, it is Western MI and it will be April by Tuesday. Forecasters are expecting that the northern part of the U.S. will have a cooler that usual spring.

Thursday found me back at the puzzle table, where I determined that I am indeed missing a piece of the puzzle. Some might ask how I can tell until the puzzle is complete. Well, when the missing piece is a very distinct color and shape, you can tell. I have but one option, and that is to check the vacuum bag for the missing piece. If that doesn't yield the missing piece, then I am at a loss. Mary already had a place picked out to hang the puzzle when done. I suppose that I could buy another puzzle and pick through another 1,000 pieces to find the one that I am missing. Here's hoping that I find the piece in the vacuum.

Otherwise, I finished the latest chapter of highlighting for Mary. Sixty pages to go. My reward? Another book to highlight. I am liking this book, but the highlighting is an intense project this time. I am hoping for a lighter tome.

Sugar the Weather Dog and I didn't go for a walk on Thursday. It was rainy, with times of sleet and just in general, a wintry sort of day. I was hoping that the forecast for today was better, but alas, we are showing a 70% chance of rain/snow. Oh well, Sugar needs her walks and so do I, so I may have to suck it up and get out there. Mary held her off on Friday with a bone, but is is likely that Sugar won't be deterred two days in a row.

I will finish that highlighting today, and then go to P/T. I may get sucked into going to the grocery store and returning those aforementioned cans. I don't really mind, I just don't seek out the activity. However, I am more tolerant than Mary. I can't say I blame her, I don't really "like" it either, but if I didn't do it, every case would actually cost an additional $2.40 in lost deposits.

I am going to try to finish the puzzle today and see if there is only the one piece missing. I actually find it easier to work in the macro sense, than in the finishing micro sense. I think that the playing of the girls that I didn't get around to yesterday should also happen

I got a notification from the library that the book I had requested for purchase came in. Our library is very responsive to patron requests. I need go by and pick it up. I have requested that they set it aside for me. Now I have to find time to read it. I had heard about the book, Red Devil 4, during a discussion on talk radio by the author. Science fiction with a reality basis. I believe that that is what makes Sci/Fi effective. I'll review it when I read it.

Not much else on tap for today. I am up now listening to a discussion of SETI, the search for extraterrestrial intelligence, on the radio. This was supposed to be Mary's program, but she fell asleep. So I hope that I can fill her in, since I am only half listening. The percentage of people who believe in aliens and UFOs in the world is actually higher than you might think, anywhere between 33% and 48%. If I were one of the aliens, why would I visit here? Maybe simple curiosity explains their purported visits.

I heard a train earlier, and one or two last night, but I didn't want to get up to look. If I am still up in a while, I may view another. I may also do some additional highlighting. I try not to go downstairs and disturb the intrepid Weather Dog.

Sunrise will be at 7:35 a.m. and sunset at 8:04 p.m. Ciao.

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