Monday, March 31, 2014

Good morning GH, It is just past 7:00 a.m. in "The City," and the current temperature is a much more comfortable 36° outside. We are expecting a high today of 56° in GH, while over in GR, they are expecting a high in the lower sixties for the Tigers opener at Comerica Park. Best of all, there is no precipitation in the forecast. The balance of the week we will have temperatures in the low to mid forties. While not the warmest week in West Michigan history, it is the warmest we have seen in 2014 and the warmest it has been since early November 2013.

Sad to report, both of the college B'ball teams from Michigan, MSU and MI went down yesterday in the Elite Eight of the NCAA March Madness tournament. To paraphrase, "There is no joy in MI, the season is over." However, hope springs eternal, as the Tigers open their season today and the Whitecaps hold their home opener on April 8. Of course, what would sports be like, if hockey, baseball, and basketball didn't overlap until summer is nearly here. All of that doesn't discount that NASCAR, Indy Car, and Formula One racing either opened this past weekend or had already started in late February. If you are a sports fan, to borrow from the late Ron Santo, "This is the year!"

Speaking of Ron Santo and baseball in general, the boys in blue, my beloved Red Sox, and as I mentioned earlier, our own Tigers open this week. Even closer to home, as I also mentioned earlier, the West Michigan Whitecaps open soon. What's not to like?

Yesterday, I found time to finish my highlighting, start more highlighting, and play the girls just a bit. I also received a reply from the publisher of our puzzle. They let me know that with a digital picture of the completed puzzle, sans missing piece, and the place of purchase included in an email, they would send me a replacement puzzle free of charge. Unfortunately, they also let me know that every puzzle is cut differently, so the pieces are not interchangeable. Ergo, for one missing piece, I may have to rework the entire puzzle. Nonetheless, I sent the email.

Otherwise, Mary took the morning walk with Sugar the Weather Dog down to the waterfront yesterday, and I took the afternoon walk. Since today promises to be sunny and warm for most of the day, Sugar and I will go walking and I will clean her hair from the back of the car where she and her crate ride. I am anxious to try out our new device that we got at the home and garden show in GR earlier this month. I have used the smaller indoor version, so the extended version should also work well. This type just needs to be rinsed, but it also doesn't leave any residue behind. Then it's back to more highlighting and editing after Mary finishes her work. I may try to squeeze in a few innings of the Tiger's opener too.

Sunrise will be at 7:26 a.m. and sunset at 8:08 p.m. Worthy of note, is the fact that the Cheerios are gone. All five boxes are history. I like cold cereal, I like Cheerios, but I was/am ready for a change. So now I am on to crisped rice followed by bran cereal with raisins. I decided to start with the crisped rice, because I have apples to slice into my bowl, and that isn't always so good with raisins. Ciao.

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