Thursday, March 20, 2014

Good early morning GH. We have just passed 3:00 a.m. in "The City," and the current temperature is 34° as we strive to reach today's high of 35°. I have to remember that old saw, "Be careful what you wish for," when I wish for the warmer weather, because we are also under a flood watch until Friday morning. I should mention that a flood is highly unlikely at the "Palatial Estate," we live too far from the channel. However, if the melting snows can't soak into the frozen ground, the water they produce will find its way into the man-cave. On the other hand, we drop back into the upper twenties on Sunday for a couple of days. Then we begin anew the rise back into the thirties and forties. At least today will me mostly sunny. It is a good thing that spring begins today. Sigh.

Oh well, enough carping by yours truly. I had thought that Sugar the Weather Dog and I wouldn't get out on Wednesday morning, but we did, It was early because Mary had to get up for work. So off Sugar and I went. Then, since I was up, I decided to do all of those errands I though might wait for today. The weather would have been more pleasant today, but my being gone allowed Mary to work uninterrupted. I stopped in at the local big-box office supply store for a case of paper. Mary was worried that I tried to lift is myself, but I had the young lady at the store load it into the car for me. Discretion is the better part of valor. The clerk, who was much younger and stronger than my weak shoulder offered to lad the paper into the car. I graciously accepted.

Next, I went to the locally owned pet supply store for additional treats for the intrepid Weather Dog. Then I headed north to the big-box home center. I got everything that I wanted. However, I had to find one item myself that three clerks couldn't find. It pays to have an automotive repair background and thus to know where to look.

Was I done? Of course not. I had to make a stop at the big-box everything store to pick up a replacement monitor for my BP. I have been doing fine, but I like to regularly check, and so when I found that my old device had perished, I needed a new one. I had tried the medium-box drug and sundry store earlier in my trip, but they only had a sale on one that gave money off if you bought two. Why would I need two? Talk about false economy.

Now I was nearly done. A stop at our favorite grocery store netted everything on my list. But, one more stop was required. I needed to stop at the local health food store for three items that aren't available at the other stores. At last I was done. I called Mary to tell her I was on my way home. It was about 12:45 p.m. I off-loaded everything except for that heavy case of paper. Mary thought that some of the grocery bags were too heavy, but I mostly carried with my left arm, so I was okay.

Mary opted to bring in two reams of paper when she couldn't lift that heavy case of paper herself. I guess that her ability to lift heavy people in her youth, has not left her strong as she gracefully ages. She flies a desk now. We had lunch, I helped her highlight something that she was working on, and then it was time to sit for a few minutes before P/T. I had to schedule four more appointments to continue the process of rehab. I am making progress, but I guess that my ability to lift heavy auto parts in my youth has deserted me too, as I age less gracefully than Mary.

Finally home, where I collapsed before helping Mary until about 8:00 p.m. She made the executive decision to stop and finish this morning. A wise choice.

It was about 7:00 p.m. when the southbound train went by. The usual twin locomotives towing one lone box car, what looked like every covered hopper car the railroad could press into service, and a string of those dreaded black tank cars. The train reversed its course about 10:30 p.m., and headed back north, with more covered hopper cars and a longer string of those black tank cars. That 7:00 p.m. train was unusual. It did offer me a chance to get out of my chair, and as I said to Mary, "That's one of the reasons I live on a reality scale train board."

Sunrise today will be at 7:46 a.m. Sunset at 7:55 p.m. More than 12 hours of daylight. Tea time, breakfast, and the whole process starts over again. Walk Sugar, work with Mary, eat meals. Rinse, repeat. Ciao.

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