Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Good early morning GH. It is fast closing on 5:00 a.m. in "The City," and the current indoor temperature is a very comfortable 70°. Outdoors, the temperature is 14° as we head for our anticipated high of 23°. The five day forecast from the National Weather Service, through the auspices of the Weather Channel™, is still showing the lower thirties by Friday, where it will remain until Sunday. Given the fact that the less than one inch of snow forecast for yesterday became nearly four, I don't know how much faith I'd place in their efforts.

Speaking of that snow, I feel like a fifth wheel. I have to watch another man take care of snow removal, something that I used to do. I know my shoulder precludes my doing it, but somehow, I feel less than productive. Sure I can take care of the laundry, and I can dust if I don't reach too high, but I could do that before. Mary works and I have to watch. I owe Mary an apology.

I was cranky last night after I had difficulty getting out of my chair in the "Media Room." I can't use my right arm, so I have to rely on my left and that means that like most chairs, if my knees are higher than my hips, I have to work at it. Mary was downstairs, so I had to make a choice. Stay in the chair, or to try to fall out and then figure a way to get up. It is not a pleasant set of options. I was cranky when I came downstairs and tried to do one of the few things I can, empty the dishwasher. Not Mary's fault, but I yelled at her. I'd rather try again. Maybe a hug each and every day.

Today, I have that doctor's appointment followed by a P/T appointment. I haven't been able to do much with my home exercises because my shoulder has been aching. I will ask the doctor what is normal and what isn't. I may just be trying too hard and expecting too much. Plus, since I have been overusing my left arm, that shoulder is aching now too. Right now I am up waiting for my OTC pain pill to work.

I did get some additional puzzle pieces in place on Tuesday. I have some pieces that should fit, but don't seem to have a place. Since they were part of the puzzle when we bought it, it is my problem, not that of the puzzle. I got the aforementioned laundry handled, including the couch cover that Sugar the Weather Dog lays on. I found a way to keep her occupied by giving her a tooth cleaning bone in the mud room. I got the cover cleaned, she got her teeth cleaned and we were both happy.

Sunrise will be in about two hours at 7:13 a.m., shortly before...Tea time. Sunset will occur at 6:36 p.m. I want Cheerios today with raisins. I never thought I'd say that, but I like cold cereal. I'm sure that Mary will cut up a navel orange and pour the morning juices, but I still want my Cheerios. I think I'll skip the breakfast drink today.

I heard the northbound train go by about 1:00 a.m. I didn't see it, but it seemed to be of medium length. The southbound train I slept through. I'll include some snow pictures in tomorrow's blog. Ciao.

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