Friday, March 7, 2014

Good morning GH. It is just past 5:30 a.m. in "The City," and the current temperature is 14° as we head for our daily high of 37°. The fact that we anticipate that 37°, is in and of itself a great thing. We are currently trending towards one of the coldest and snowiest winters in recent memory. I heard something on a morning news program yesterday that of the top five snowiest cities in the nation, with a population in excess of 100,000, GR is at number three. They have a spot that is ahead of Buffalo, NY. Here in the Weather Office, the temperature is 70°.

I did it! I spent all of yesterday in my scrubs. Mary went out to the store by herself. It was one of the big box stores, so she was already at a disadvantage. I stayed behind and fell asleep in my office chair. I don't know what it was, but I was sleepy for most of the day. In fact, I didn't awaken this morning until a short time ago. I went to bed about 10:00 p.m., so that is a lot of rack time for me after having taken a nap earlier in the day.

I was awake long enough to see the train go by heading south. Twin locomotives, eight longer covered hopper cars, six shorter covered hopper cars, one black tank car, and one gray tank car. An interesting configuration. Not long after, the lights came on signaling the approach of another train, but I didn't see one. I promptly fell asleep after that, so the train may have gone by heading north, but I missed it.

Today I have that P/T appointment at 1:00 p.m. I think I'll avoid the puzzle, because the excess chair time required by that activity makes my lower back ache; like I don't have enough achy parts. I haven't played my girls in several days and I haven't even done much with my home exercises. Although my shoulder is doing fine per the doctor, I think that the cold and winter is slowing my recovery.

Mary washed the pillows yesterday. They are now nice and fluffy and comfortable. I guess that when they labeled them as washable, they were right.

Not much else on tap for today. Sugar the Weather Dog has spent some time the last few days in the mud room chewing her tooth cleaning bone in the indoor "Bone Zone." She may get a chance again today. I am almost certain that she would prefer some time in the outdoor "Bone Zone," but the snow piles and cold currently preclude that.

Sunrise today will be at 7:09 a.m., shortly before...Tea time. Later, sunset will be at 6:40 pm. Ciao.

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