Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Good morning GH. It is just past 7:30 a.m. in "The City," and the current temperature is 36°. We are headed for a high of 39° by about 2:00 p.m. That also comes with a chance of showers that will be turning into snow showers as the temperatures fall later this afternoon. Fortunately, it will be next Tuesday before we return to those below freezing temperature that have become commonplace this winter. Places like Muskegon, have snow on the ground this late in the year for the first time on record. We do have an obsession with records in this country, that's for sure.

Tuesday, I walked with Sugar the Weather Dog in the morning. We stopped at the local independent book store for the newspaper and then came home. Today, with the rain and snow events happening, I am not going to do my errands and I may move my P/T appointment to Friday so that I don't have to go out. Sugar will be expecting a walk, but I'm not doing that either if the predicted precipitation prognosticated becomes reality. I will be pragmatic about that event. There, I've exhausted the "P" words that seem appropriate for the occasion. Oh, I also placed more pieces in our puzzle too.

Today, I will read more, place more pieces in our puzzle, and perform more exercises for my shoulder. I am only up now waiting for the ache to subside a bit. Pain can be a real pleasure killer. There appears to be no panacea for the physical pain that comes post surgery for a shoulder. It just requires patience and persistence. I may also do some playing and picking with the Girls too. There, I now think I have used up all the "P" words for sure. There are undoubtedly more, but I need to stop. What would they say on a sitcom, "Enough with the "Ps" already."

Sunrise will be in about 50 minutes at 7:48 a.m. Ciao.

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