Saturday, March 15, 2014

Good early morning GH. It is just past 3:30 a.m. in "The City." Our current temperature is 36° as we head down to our expected high of 32°. I liked Friday's temperatures much better. Oh well. That's what they say about the weather in the Midwest, if you don't like it, wait a few minutes. In San Diego, the weather never changes much. However at this point in time, I might like that. Indoors, our climate-controlled temperature, is 70°. Predictable, but boring?

Today is the Irish Jam at the library. I haven't been able to attend for a few months due to circumstances beyond my control. However, I am feeling well enough to be able to play a few tunes. This being just a few days before St. Patrick's Day, I want to go and try. I can always listen more than I play.

Sugar the Weather Dog, along with Mary and I, got in our second walk on Friday afternoon. Today we will try again.. Sugar doesn't like walking in the street, but with the sidewalks mostly ice covered, we have no choice. Mary and I were over by Spring Lake yesterday, and they have a jogging path that is essentially snow free down to the pavement. I wonder why our municipality can't accomplish that?

We were over by Spring Lake because we had been to Fruitport to check out the new TSC store. I had heard from Adam that he likes them. We did too. I probably would have liked the store more in the past, when I was doing more tool things, but they do have organic seeds and gardening things. So that's good for the 2.0 version of me in 2014. What's not to like about a place that has a large supply of John Deere branded things? For me, some things never change.

Otherwise, I did place more pieces in our puzzle. I am making progress, but there are a few pieces that elude me. I'll get them. I got the laundry washed and mostly folded and put away too. We didn't get around to breakfast/lunch until after 1:00 p.m. yesterday. Mary made her now famous sauerkraut and Swiss cheese sandwiches. As always, I liked them. On our way back from TSC, we were going to the Post, but detoured to our second favorite watering hole because we were hungry. Like most places, they are offering a fish fry on Fridays. It was okay, but it wasn't as good as one we had north of here. In fact, although Mary had their coleslaw, she liked both the fish and the coleslaw at the place north of here better. When it comes to coleslaw, Mary is a connoisseur.

That's enough for now. The snow began to melt more on Friday, but that's over for a few days. Now we have the usual spring thaw slipperiness that comes with temperatures just below freezing or thereabouts. The sun will melt the snow just enough to produce black ice, and so walking will be more hazardous. I planned to walk to the Irish Jam, but that plan is subject to change. Sugar will also want her walk, but that is open to a change too.

Sunrise will be at 7:56 a.m. and sunset at 7:49 p.m. Ciao.

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