Sunday, March 9, 2014

Good early morning GH. It is just past 6:30 a.m. E.D.T. in "The City." Our current temperature right outside the Weather Window is 12°. Indoors, it is a much more comfortable 70°. Since we have now sprung forward, it should be darker in the A.M., but it will stay lighter in the P.M. Most opinions say that it makes driving safer in the evening, allows children to have more social time, and in general, allows farmers to work in the fields longer. When you are retired, most of those things don't matter.

Success, I managed to set my watch to match the current DST time for the Eastern Time Zone. I am feeling empowered. Score watch 0, Jack 1. My computer, just to mock me I believe, changed the time all by itself. I changed all of the clocks, including the ones downstairs. That is except for the clock radio in the the downstairs bedroom. It is supposed to take care of itself, but darned if I can figure it out. Maybe Adam or Steph knows.

Yesterday we got up late, and then had a light breakfast before journeying to the Post for Soup and Slider Fest. Five restaurants were represented, and each had their own offering, though some were similar. Sally says that Friday and Saturday were a particularly busy couple of days. I think that most of us were tired of winter and just ready to have some social time. We had a good time, Mary took some pictures, and then it was time to go home.

As is often the case, I got tired and then came upstairs for a nap. My nap lasted a bit longer than planned, but that's okay. One good thing, before I could spend too much time in my clothes, I changed into my scrubs for my nap. If you have noticed, I like being in my scrubs. Does that make me old?

Sugar the Weather Dog went out with Mary for a walk yesterday before we left, but according to Mary, Sugar seemed perfectly content to just walk and not get down to business, so to speak. Sugar is a sentient being, so she has a mind of her own. However, even she can't delay the call of nature forever.

Today more shoulder strengthening exercises, more puzzle, and perhaps a bit of fiction reading. Maybe some playing of the "Girls," but that is always determined by how my shoulder feels. I got the email from the coordinator of the Irish Jam at the library to remind us that the next session is on Saturday the 15th. I plan to go, but I will have to limit my playing time. That's okay with me, just being able to play is a plus.

Otherwise not much on tap for today. Laundry may rear its ugly head. While Mary and Sugar were out yesterday, I started the vacuuming, so that needs to be finished.

Sunrise will be at 8:07 a.m., and sunset at 7:42 p.m. That confirms the darker mornings and lighter evenings. Only AZ and HI do not observe DST. Indiana used to not change either, and some counties there still observe Central time and others some still don't change. Here in GH, we are about as far west as you can get, and not be in the Central Time Zone.

No trains this morning. Ciao

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