Sunday, March 2, 2014

Good morning GH. It is just past 5:00 a.m. in "The City," and the current temperature in the Weather Office is 69°. That's according to the digital readout of the scientific instruments located here. For the outdoor temperatures, I have the analog readout available in the Weather Window, when I look there. Right now that source agrees with the National Weather Service on 13°. The National Weather Service has graciously supplied their input through the auspices of the Weather Channel™. In addition, by looking out that aforementioned Weather Window, I can see that we have only had a light dusting of snow. Given the rains that they are experiencing out West, and the dire predictions that were on TV last night for snow in the Midwest and points east, we have dodged a bullet.

Right now, the National Weather Service is predicting a high of 33° on Friday of this week, and not much precipitation. I like their forecast. However, we have not had the thaw that usually comes to Michigan before now, so our piles continue to grow. Even Sugar the Weather Dog has had enough of the snow she loves. She longs for a good cleaning of her teeth by bone on the deck. I long to be able to join her there with one of the girls. I am glad that we got out there last fall before the snow fell. It was a bit cold, but we were out there reading, listening to the oldies radio station, and generally enjoying life. That seems like a distant memory now.

Today I have no plans. I didn't have any plans yesterday either, but Mary told me that she was taking the afternoon off, and so we were going to the fabric and craft store north of here for an embroidery hoop. I did get some puzzle glue for when I finish the puzzle. I should be able to find the bottle I had from last year now. I normally keep the location of things like that in my "Where I put things" file, but I had no listing for that item.

We got the tickets for the Tigers and my beloved Red Sox yesterday. We made a reservation for a hotel in Detroit too, but we may change it to reflect a different mode of travel. I opted to make the reservation so that we would at least have one day's lodging. I felt that we could always change it if we needed more time. Like the Irish Festival, if you don't get the reservations early, they are gone.

No trains last night/this morning. It is always thus on Saturday and usually Sunday nights. If I have my choice, I'll stay in my scrubs today and not my regular formal dress, which as most people know, is jeans and a shirt appropriate to the season. I switch out the jeans for jeans shorts and a T-shirt in the warmer weather.

Today, sunrise will be at 7:20 a.m., and sunset at 6:32 p.m. Tea time will follow the rising of the sun and then my day begins in earnest. I guess that Mary will have to get back to work today. Me too. Ciao.

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