Friday, March 21, 2014

Good early morning GH. It is just past 2:30 a.m. in "The City," and our current temperature is 25°, as we head for our afternoon high of 44° at 4:00 p.m. That means that when I get around to letting Sugar the Weather Dog take me for a walk, it will be after lunch. I may even be able to get her to the groomer for her paw-di-cure. She needs it. If all goes well, the sidewalks between here and there should be snow and ice free. The spring thaw is finally starting. Too bad that Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday will fall below freezing. I guess that in this case, March came in like a lion and is going out like one too.

Thursday was an interesting day. I helped Mary with her work once I got back with Sugar from our morning walk. The sidewalks had just enough ice and snow cover to require caution while walking. Sugar doesn't understand why we can't walk on the sidewalks, but my fear of falling outweighs any desire to walk there on her part. That's why I am hoping that the forecast for today holds true.

I don't know what it is, but when I sit in Mary's office to help her, I get the yawns. Maybe it is because our bedroom is right next door. Mary is used to it, but I get the urge to go back to bed. Which in itself is odd, since I tend to be a night-owl more often than not. Once we were finished, we were off to enjoy the day. We didn't get far, just to our favorite watering hole. We watched some NCAA B'ball and then came home. A light dinner, and I was ready for bed. Actually, so was Mary, although she can outlast me.

Once in bed, I stayed put until just before I got up for an OTC pain pill and to write this blog. Mary came in long enough to ask me to explain how to change the radio station to her favorite. In this case, discretion being the better part of valor, meant that it was easier to go do it than it would be to explain how. So I did.

If my shoulder allows, I plan a bit more work on our puzzle. Right now, my shoulder is aching more, so that plan is subject to change. I wish that recovery would at least follow a linear path, but that is clearly not the case. For me, the path is filled with potholes and pitfalls. Sigh. When I feel good enough to exercise, I like to use my energy to play the "Girls." I guess that the exercises should supersede if I am going to make a meaningful recovery. Once again, sigh.

That looks like about it for today. Sunrise will be at 7:46 a.m. Sunset will be at 7:55 p.m. I am nearly certain that a train went by while I was sleeping, and that the return train hasn't happened while I have been gazing out the Weather Window. The mostly cloudy skies predicted for today are already in evidence, producing a darker than usual night accompanied by a side of dark. Ciao.

Update, I hear the train a'comin. Wait, that's not a train, that was one locomotive dead heading north. 3:30 a.m.

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