Thursday, March 13, 2014

Good morning GH. It is just past 4:00 a.m. in "The City," and the current temperature is a chilly 10°. Our high later today is forecast to be 28°. On Friday, it will be a balmy 42°. Unfortunately, then the temperatures will plunge back to the lower 30s on Saturday, before they fall to the upper 20s on Sunday. It looks like we will stay in the 20s until Tuesday, when we return to the lower 30s. Here's hoping that those temperature forecasts are the harbinger of good things to come. We should be averaging in the low to mid 40s by now. The view out the Weather Window is dark with a side of cloudy. I base that on the fact that I can't see any stars this morning.

Once again, it looks like we dodged the storm bullet. According to the TV weather report, the snow hit hard in Chicago, South Bend, IN, and St. Joseph, MI, and surrounding counties, not to mention the East Coast. That's fine with me.

I have been waiting since just after 12:00 a.m. for the Internet service to come back. The cable television service has been working fine all along, but the Internet which feeds this computer and our radios, was out. Why? I don't know and I doubt that if I had called, whether anyone at the cable company would have done anything.

Actually, they would have gone through all of the standard fixes that they are supposed to recommend. Unplug your router. Let it rest for at least one minute, plug it in again and wait for it to reboot. Oh, be sure that you checked all of your connections too. If that didn't work, they would schedule a service call. Chances are that the box that is open on the pole may have something to do with it. Ever since the installer was here to add cable to my neighbors house a few days ago, that box has been open and a reel of coaxial cable has been sitting on the ground below. I guess I need to call the company. That shouldn't be my responsibility.

Wednesday afternoon, Mary went to the dentist. I mistakenly thought she was scheduled to go in the morning. While she was gone, I did the dishes and then worked on our puzzle. I am making significant progress. I went to my P/T appointment and the therapist stretched me some, taught me some new exercises, and then told me to keep on keeping on until next week.

Mary came along, and while there, she found an advertisement/listing for the same company that operates the center where I go. They offer a six session get ready for golf activity, that will improve your stroke, make sure that you don't hurt yourself, and teach you some additional stretches. I plan to give it a try. Even if I don't play much, I can uses the additional information. It is relatively inexpensive too.

The train went by heading south at around 12:30 a.m. Two locomotives towing one box car and 23 covered hopper cars. The same locomotives headed back north at about 3:15 a.m., towing nothing. I wonder what they are doing when they aren't going by. I also wonder how having an engineer and two locomotives "Deadheading" back to the other end of the line is an efficient use of fuel.

Today I have no real plans. Mary has to work, but I don't have anything specific in mind. Reading, exercising, playing "The Girls," and working on our puzzle. Oh, I have to take Sugar the Weather Dog for our second walk together this year. I had been unable to walk with her due to my shoulder surgery since early December. We have to walk in the streets because the sidewalks are still snow covered in most places, but if we are careful, we do fine.

Yesterday when I was getting ready to go out for that first walk, Mary took out two quarters to allow me to buy the the Grand Haven Tribune, at the local independent bookstore. Sugar picked up on that cue immediately when I placed the quarters in my pocket and she was ready to go, as though the months since my surgical incapacity had never happened. She didn't forget what the quarters in my pocket meant. When I got ready to go to P/T, she thought it was time for her second daily walk. That's something that we generally did before my surgery. Like I said, she never forgets the little details.

That looks like enough for this morning. Sunrise will be at 7:38 a.m., just before...Tea time and another bowl from that last box of Cheerios. Sunset will happen at 7:47 p.m. I tried to get Mary to buy more cereal the other day when we went to the store, but she told me to be patient, this box had a few more days in it. Ciao.

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