Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Good morning GH. Well, we've finally received that rain we've been expecting. It came up suddenly, and the clap of thunder was a signal to Sugar the Weather Dog that it was time for the hide-e-hole. The current temperature here in the Weather Center shows 80 degrees, but sitting here as I am in the open window, it feels more like the 68 we have outdoors. I checked the various open windows and closed those that had a wet sill. Rain is expected to continue until later today and into tomorrow. We'll take it.

Speaking of Sugar the Weather Dog, we had a short T-storm earlier in the afternoon on Monday, and that sent her to her downstairs hide-e-hole for several hours. She came out long enough to have her dinner, but then was gone again until later. We had been out walking earlier in the AM, and met some of the nice folks from the post outside the coffee shop near there. Sugar was not thrilled with meeting new people, but since she didn't bark at them, it was a beginning. Somewhere on our morning trip she decided that her ears were itchy. Fortunately, a little peroxide on a cotton ball was able to soothe her.

Heard a train go by just before midnight, but I wasn't getting up, so I can only report that it went by.

In sports, the Red Wings defeated the Blackhawks, 3 - 1. The boys in blue had the day off, so they couldn't lose. They play in Pittsburgh tonight. My beloved Red Sox fell to that team I will not mention,4 - 6. Ouch! The Caps pulled one out in the bottom of the 11th, 1 - 0, over the visiting Bowling Green Hot Rods.

Not much else is happening here. I did some laundry and some housework on Monday and I may get to finish it today. I was going to do some work out on the palatial estate today, but it appears that the rain will delay that activity.

Morning will bring...Tea time and more news of that horrible tornado in Oklahoma. It destroyed so much property, but more importantly, it took the lives of so many innocents. As a retired teacher who conducted tornado drills, it is a precaution that you take and hope to never need. In this case the tornado used the school as a bulls eye.  My prayers go out to the families who lost their children and their homes. You can replace homes, they are just buildings, but children leave a void in your soul that can never be filled.

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