Friday, May 17, 2013

Good morning GH. What an opportunity. I hear a train a comin, it's rolling round the bend. A little homage to Johnny Cash there, but with the windows open and the time at nearly 2:30 in the AM, it seemed appropriate.   Not a long train, but it was definitely a sign that we are still a prosperous nation on the move. There's something about a train, that's magic. Another homage, this one to the fine folks at AMTRAK from a bygone ad campaign. I just like the sound that a train emits as it makes its way down the tracks. Trains have been the inspiration for many songs over the years, from Woodie Guthrie, to Roger Miller, to the man in black himself, Johnny Cash.

I normally start with the weather, but I just had to digress for a minute to talk about trains.

The current temperature here in the Weather Center is a very comfortable 70 degrees. Outdoors it is still a very nice 61 degrees, like the desert at night I hear. The weather forecast shows no sign of precipitation until late today, and then only in the 20% area. Significant precipitation has been pushed back until Monday and Tuesday when we are expected to see T-storms and more rain. Sugar the Weather Dog agrees, as she hasn't seen fit to go into her hide-e-hole.

Today, I have a dentist appointment first thing this morning, and then Mary plans to meet up with me and walk down to the state park/city beach for "Kite Fest 2013." Last year was a sight to behold, and I know that Mary will be taking lots of pictures for inclusion in a future blog. For me, the walk and the sight of hundreds of colorful kites in all their glory is reward enough. Mary likes to fly her kite, but I am satisfied to just watch others. Early on Thursday, I rode down to that beach, but there was only one lonely kite and the tent that was set up for "Kite Fest" today.

Early in the day I went to the pharmacy to pick up a prescription and then in spite of Mary's admonitions, I rode another six or seven miles just enjoying the ride and the sunny weather. Yes, my body hurt a bit later, but it was worth it.

Mary and I stopped to see Sally and the other folks at the post on Thursday evening before going downtown to have a pizza at one of the local places. It was good, but it won't replace the "Deep Dish" variety available in Chicago and its suburbs.

In sports, the boys in blue had the day off before battling the Mets. The Tigers lost badly to the Rangers, but they remain in first place in their relatively weak division. My beloved Red Sox moved up to second place in their division with a victory over the Rays of Tampa Bay. The Caps pulled out a win over the Dayton Dragons on Thursday. The Blackhawks are awaiting their game on Saturday against the Red Wings. In spite of the odds, I expect the Blackhawks will take this series from the Red Wings.

Otherwise, not much on tap for today. The aforementioned dentist appointment, the "Kite Fest" and then some time in the "Bone Zone," with Sugar the Weather Dog. Oh, maybe a little watering of the gardens here on our palatial estate and some time with Bridget in my arms, and then to borrow from Sir Paul, "It's just another day, do do do do do do, it's just another day." Ciao.

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