Sunday, May 12, 2013

Good morning GH. I never seem to be able to not get up and blog at these early hours. The current temperature in the weather center is a very comfortable 68 degrees. Earlier on Saturday  we all walked to the farmer's market, and Mary picked up pa loaf of artisan bread from a  bakery that specializes in brick-oven baking and which is basically local. She also got a hanging basket for the deck area, and that's when she determined that it was cold outside. Anyway, that's why I finally broke down Saturday and turned the furnace back on. I had hopes that spring had finally sprung, but the outdoor temperature and rainy conditions had deteriorated so badly that I was left with two alternatives. 1. shiver and shake, or 2. turn the heat on. I erred on the side of caution. In fact, before Mary and I went out in the afternoon, Mary had to go upstairs and get the warmer coats, hats and things out of storage. Here's hoping that the forecast for Tuesday is reality and we'll be back in the upper 60s again. Right now, we are at 43 degrees and Mary took to heart that frost was a possibility and so she covered her veggies that were at risk.

We didn't get much accomplished on Saturday other than the trip to the farmer's market. In the PM, we explored one of the new shops that is going to be fully open by Memorial Day. They specialize in yard art and it looks promising. We have another couple of shops set to open, but I can only remember that one is a bakery satellite operation. We had a light lunch, then stopped in to see Sally. We came home, and I fell asleep. Maybe that's why I keep getting up at these early hours.

I still have to find a way to stop my computer from dropping the internet. It wouldn't be a big thing, but when the internet gets dropped, the on-line backup and the online security are no longer connected. A pain if for no other reason.

In sports, the boys in blue took it to to the Nationals rather handily on Saturday afternoon. The Tigers  lost yet again, as did the Red Sox, who now seem to be in free fall. The Blackhawks won their series over the Wild, and the Red Wings are tied in theirs. The Caps played last night and handily beat the team from West Bend, IN. So, a mixed bag in sports. Now I just have to wait for the Heat to finish embarrassing the Bulls as the Heat moves on to the finals and another championship of the NBA.

Today, we plan to enjoy Mother's Day and then...Tea time, after which we'll spend some time with the New York Times in the afternoon following a morning walk with Sugar the Weather Dog. Sugar couldn't wait to get into her hide-e-hole yesterday afternoon as she felt the front moving through. She is nothing if not a great predictor of inclement weather. Oh, Mary will likely get a restart on making yogurt if she goes out to get fresh milk for the process. The last time she got the milk she didn't have the starter and when we checked the freshness date yesterday, it was April 14. Even I couldn't make Mary think that the milk was still okay, and you know how I am about milk. Ciao.

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