Saturday, May 11, 2013

Good early morning GH. It is closing on 2:00 AM in the morning, and the current temperature in the Weather Center is 63 degrees. Outdoors, the temperature is 47 degrees and the chance of precipitation is very low. Sugar the Weather Dog concurs with the forecast.

We just had a train go by about 12:00 and it was a fairly long one based on the noise duration.

Had a good day today. Stayed in bed all morning just to pass the time. Oops a little Carly Simon channeling there. We had a nice lunch of black beans and rice with lettuce plus...Tea time. Then, since it was raining, Sugar and I took a short walk over to the local book seller and picked up the paper which got soggy very quickly on the way home. Mary was on her way to the grocery, but when Sugar and I got here, Mary was still in the house. She got to the grocery and had to call because she forgot her list. I thought that that was my failing. Actually it was a good thing, because it allowed me to change my desires for the type of soup cracker that I wanted. I hope that Mary doesn't catch a death, because she didn't wear a rain coat.

Otherwise, not much happened. We picked up our ceiling fans at the big box home center along with a large pot for Mary to garden potatoes. They aren't hard, but how many too plant is still in question due to the size of the pot.

As usual, the internet has dropped out again. I hope that it comes back so that I don't lose everything that I am currently writing. I think there is a problem with the local cable people, because anytime I have the internet radio station on, this happens.

In sports, the boys in blue lost, the Bulls lost and the Tigers won. The Red Sox fell 2 - 0. Ouch, something is rotten in Boston. The Caps were rained out.

Today, we plan to walk to the local farmer's market and then drive to the garden center near home for a 1/2 price rose bush and also pick up some bread on the way. I need to go to the pharmacy if Mary is amenable. Then, home in time to watch some news and sports.

Of course, what would a Saturday be without a dose of the local auto talk radio program first thing inthe morning before anything else. Ciao.

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