Friday, May 3, 2013

Good afternoon GH. Yes, I said afternoon, because I didn't get around to blogging until now. We have a current temperature of 75 degrees, surpassing the predicted high of 70. Mary and I walked Sugar the Weather Dog over to her doctor's appointment this AM, wearing what was supposed to be the appropriate weight clothing. Sugar was happy until the vet tech squirted the bordatella booster up her nose. But now she is good to go for boarding and the like. When we do more traveling, we'll get the appropriate dosage of tranquilizers for Sugar, with the guidance of the vet.

We had the electrician over yesterday to fix the sagging ceiling fan. Unfortunately, he had bad news. It wasn't like the last one in the kitchen, this one had a problem with the hanging mechanism and must be replaced  Oh well, now Mary feels as though we need two, because they are effectively in the same room and should match.  She is likely right, as she so often is.  Looks like a trip to the big box hardware store is in order.

We had a short train last night, but I didn't feel like getting up, that's why this blog is late in coming.

Had a nice reply from Steph late yesterday. I was thinking of her because I had found some candy in my drawer that is from the company that she works for. Plus, the Kentucky Derby is tomorrow. Coverage begins at 11:00 EDT/10:00 AM CDT, but the actual race is at 4:00/3:00. I just had to know if they were celebrating. When combined, the two made for a powerful reminder. And, Steph is always on my mind, because whenever I am downstairs, I go by the bedroom that she and Adam share. I can email with Adam anytime, Steph, not so much.

In sports, the Tigers beat Houston, again.  The boys in blue, not so lucky, again. My beloved Red Sox, behind Ryan Dempster, beat the Blue Jays 3 - 1 to remain in first place in their division. One side of me wants to thank the GM for trading Dempster to the Red Sox, the other side wants to hate him for that trade. Is this a love/hate relationship? The Caps, dropped a heart-breaker to the Kernels earlier today. Oh well, wait til next game, Saturday at 6:35 PM.

Otherwise, not much is happening. I finished my latest book yesterday, and if you are into eating out, then there is much to be said for how to spot good and bad places. While some place are in the fine dining category, they are not into fine treatment of their staffs. But not to worry, there are a lot of good ones too, you just have to keep your eyes open.

Oh well, enough said for now. I have to finish the laundry and then spend some time with Sugar and Bridget on the deck. No "Bone Zone" for Sugar today, as she doesn't tolerate the effects on her delicate Corgi digestive system. Good for her teeth, but not so much for her internals. Another love/hate relationship I guess. Ciao.

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