Sunday, May 19, 2013

Good morning GH. It is just past 5:00 AM here in our fair city and we are entering the final day of the kite fest. Here in the Weather Center, it is s very comfortable 74 degrees, while outdoors, it is a cooler 61. We are heading for a high of 79 sultry degrees, as the day wears on, but still no noticeable precipitation on the radar until Monday. Sugar the Weather Dog is still sleeping soundly, so I think she concurs.

We had a nice morning,...Tea time and a light snack in preparation for our journey to "Kite Fest 2013" and beyond. While Mary wanted to watch more of UP with Steve Kornacki, I wanted to use my time more efficiently and went out to water the gardens here on our estate. Once that was done, and once Mary was able to pull herself away from Steve, we were off to the local farmer's market with Sugar in the lead. Mary got some eggs and lettuce, while Sugar and I caught up on our tans. Of course, there were plenty of other dogs along the way, as well as new and enticing smells, so Sugar had to catch up on old and new friends.

When we returned, Mary and I, sans Sugar, set off for the "Kite Fest." It is a long walk to the state park where the fest was being held, and having done it the previous day, I wasn't so sure I wanted to do it again. Mary said we could take the trolley back if we got too tired, so I agreed. However, the trolley isn't running yet, just a figment of our imagination I guess. But that's another story.

We stopped at the beach burrito place along the route and had vegetarian burritos and tacos. Both were excellent. Once at the fest, the wind wasn't blowing like it had been the day before, so there weren't all that many kites to be seen. Lots of people, not so many kites.

Since I wanted to get back for my Irish jam session at the library and Mary said that she wanted to stay longer, I started for home, alone again, naturally. My apologies to Gilbert O'Sullivan for borrowing his lyric. As I noted earlier, no trolley, so the walk back was just as long. In this case, it seemed longer instead of shorter which is usually the case. Still, I made it and I got to my jam session with time to spare.

We played old tunes, new tunes and some people from one of the local high school Celtic fiddle clubs came. All was good.

By the time we were done and I had returned home, I had covered nearly 9 miles. Fortunately for me, Mary and Sugar were waiting out front on the GH channel with some cold ones in the cooler. With my feet up, I downed a couple and read the local paper. As it was getting cooler, we ventured in for a dinner of sandwiches, cheese and tomato with cottage cheese on the side.

By then, I was ready to let Sugar out for her final visit and then she and I came upstairs for a little R & R. Mary joined us and took over the television for some chick flick. I didn't much care and went to bed to listen to the Caps game. That didn't last long as I soon drifted off to sleep. I'll tell you more about my new internet radio in my next blog.

In sports, the boys in blue had another win, taking the Mets 8 - 2. The Tigers were not so lucky, as they lost to Texas 2 - 7. The Red Wings took it to the Blackhawks on the Hawks home ice, so now with the series tied at 1 - 1, they return to the Red Wings home ice for game 3 on Monday. My beloved Red Sox beat the Twins 12 - 5 to pull to nine games over 500, but they are still in 2nd place in their division. Here's hoping that game three has a similar outcome. About that Caps game I was listening to, they Caps took it to the Bowling Green Hot Rods, who obviously weren't so hot last night, 8 - 1.

So, this being a no train kind of night, it is time to say adieu, return to bed, and wait for..Tea time to happen anew. No walking today, other than letting Sugar take me out for a morning constitutional. Then it is time for the "Bone Zone" and reading on the deck. Oh, I know I have to water, but that is just part of the overall plan. Ciao.

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