Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Good morning GH. It has just passed 8:30 in the AM, and in "The City" all is well, to borrow from the old English town criers. The temperature showing on the analog readout is 72 degrees as we head for a predicted high of 82. As is usually the case, it is cooler near the lake. The other side of that is that in the Winter months it is generally warmer. In short there's really not, a more congenial spot, for happy ever aftering, than here in... Oops, I fell into a lyric from the musical Camelot.

Sugar the Weather dog is just lying about, so I trust that the precipitation is still a ways off, possibly not until Thursday. That means that more watering is in order today after Sugar and I go walking this morning. Otherwise, more highlighting for Mary and that's about it. I may change the strings on Blue, but that's about the most I"ll do. As the owner of the guitar store noted, there are priorities.

Speaking of those strings, Sugar and I stopped by the local guitar store yesterday on our afternoon walk and picked up two sets of light strings. Sugar was fine with the store owner, but there was a guy there that she didn't like. I think he may have been a smoker, someone, whether male or female, she doesn't like. Mary thinks that Sugar may have had a bad experience before we adopted her. My opinion is that if that's the case, then a smoker tried to drown her in the back of a garbage truck. Just saying.

Yesterday, was mostly highlighting, walking with Mary and Sugar and doing some knitting. A full day. There was a story in one of the advice columns about a guy who was forced into retirement and now his wife thinks he is depressed, has no interest in hobbies, etc. She doesn't know what to do for him. I really can't identify. I was forced into retirement due to illness, but I am enjoying retirement fully. In fact, as I've noted, I don't have enough time in the day for all of my hobbies. I guess that each of us is different.

I was down a bit after my surgeries, but I got past it. In fact, I had to relearn to play my guitars and that made things better. That's one of the reasons that I started playing with the Irish jam group. I needed help. Now I sing and play in public once a month, and that feels great. In fact next month, we will be jamming at the Irish Fest in Muskegon, and that's about as public as it gets.

In sports, the boys in blue romped over the the Nationals yesterday evening 11 - 1, behind solid pitching by Jeff Samardzija and five home runs by the offense. The Tigers had the day off. My beloved Red Sox cruised past the Giants 7 - 0, to maintain their slim one game lead over the Rays. The Caps nicely handled the Dragons 6 - 1.

So that's about it for yesterday and today. For Adam, a little fiberglass mat and resin, or a lot, goes a long way.  Ciao.

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