Monday, August 5, 2013

Good early morning GH. Here in "The City" it is just past 3:00 AM and the temperature is 54 brisk degrees. The chance for showers has been increased to 50% by day's end. It should rain, since I took time to water on Sunday.

Speaking of Sunday, I was a busy bee. Basically, all of the things that were on my to-do list are now on my to-done list. I oiled the hinges on the garage door, I put the first coat of paint on the outer doors to the man-cave, after which I mowed the lawn on the palatial estate. Next, I folded the laundry I had washed, followed by emptying the dishwasher, and all of that by 1:30 PM. Not bad for a man of my advanced years. : - )

I even found time to walk with Sugar the Weather Dog and visit our now quiet city. Now that the Coast Guard Fest is over for another year, we have our city back. As Mary often says, we couldn't enjoy our city the rest of the year if it wasn't for the various cultural activities that bring in the tourists during the summer months. I think it's a fair trade.

Later in the day Mary and I walked to our favorite watering hole and got a table, something that was near impossible during the fest. On the way back, we visited the newly opened bread purveyor and picked up a loaf of Polish rye. Another of those perks we get because of the tourists. When we got home, Sugar and I spent some time in the "Bone Zone."

Today, not much to do that can't wait, especially if it rains as predicted. In fact, nothing but some guitar practice. What's not to like?

In sports, the boys in blue continued down the path to oblivion, losing to the Dodgers, 0 - 1. The Tigers took 12 innings, but they defeated that other team from Chicago, 3 - 2. My beloved Red Sox once again sent the D-backs to their rightful place, in a 4 - 0 win. They maintained their one game lead over the Rays. The Caps trounced the Dragons from Dayton, 10 - 3. All in all, mostly a good day in baseball.

Now for some additional pictures from the parade.

We're glad they came. The Red Flannel Festival is held in Cedar Springs, MI to honor their lumbering history. Cedar Springs is about 20 minutes north of Grand Rapids.

Who knew that the CG had an official lawn mower?

A float from the festival which is held in Hart, near Shelby.
What's a parade without marching bands? Of course, this band is from our fair city.
Shelby, MI is about 40 miles north, near Hart.
The band from Shelby.
This band always closes out the parade. Scottville is about 70 miles north.

A special shout out to Debbie. Our condolences on the passing of your mother. Mere words cannot mend, but you'll always have the memories, they never pass away.

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