Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Good afternoon GH. It has become a beautiful day here in "The City." Currently the temperature is 72 sunny degrees as we head for a high of 78. The showers we had early this AM have given way to sunny skies and a nice breeze. Tomorrow looks like more of the same.

Yesterday I rode my bike for about 15 miles. Once I got to riding, I just couldn't stop. I am sure that I will pay for it later in life; but for now it felt great. Otherwise, I didn't do much except play my guitar, spend some time in the "Bone Zone," and do a bit of watering which probably ensured the rain. I also got started on a book about Nikola Tesla, by W. Bernard Carlson. Like other books of this genre, it is long on technical jargon, but also includes a great deal of explanation about the man himself. So far, I like it.

I have found that we have a local public radio station that plays oldies from the 50s, 60s, and a little 70s. Being a public radio station, they don't have commercials and they have an extensive collection of songs that are seldom if ever heard on commercial radio. Best of all, it is an AM station where I live, and when listened to on a one speaker transistor radio, it is just perfect.

Today, I already walked twice with Sugar the Weather Dog and now I don't anticipate doing much of anything else. I did do the dishes, ate the soup that I made last week for lunch and organized the drawer where we keep some of the candy, crackers, and baking supplies that have no other home. I like the result of my efforts.

In sports, the boys in blue fell to the Phillies by a score of 8 - 9. The Tigers improved to a 5.0 game lead over the Tribe as they beat that team by a score of 5 - 1 to give Justin Verlander his 12th win of the year. My beloved Red Sox had a real slug fest, beating the Astros 15 - 10. That gives them a 1.5 game lead over the Rays. The Caps beat the Dragons 6 - 3.

So that being said, I should note that the trains early this morning were about three hours apart as they moved slowly down our short line. I just wish they came by during the day so that I could get some pictures However, that is unlikely due to traffic concerns.

Speaking of traffic concerns, the Tribune is reporting that the state is studying widening Beacon, route 31, as it goes through GH. In order to do that, they would have to take out the boulevard and the trees that occupy it. I don't think it is a good plan, especially since the money involved could be put to better use repairing the existing streets and roads. However, that is less appealing to the politicians.

So, time for more guitar, more reading, and more of whatever I want to do. Ciao Barb.

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