Saturday, May 2, 2020

Good morning or good evening, wherever you may be, across the nation and across the world. It is just before 6:00 a.m. in "The City."

The current temperature is 53° under mostly-cloudy skies. Winds of 11 mph make it feel like 49°. Today's high-temperature forecast from the NWS calls for a high of 57º, under rainy-skies this morning, albeit with only a 40% chance. The afternoon forecast calls for mostly cloudy skies. Today's high temperature is once again forecast to be 6º warmer than yesterday.

The sun will rise today @ 6:36 a.m. and set later @ 8:47 p.m.

I baked bread yesterday, but it didn't rise as anticipated. This was a new recipe for beer bread, and the beer should have made that happen. I don't know if it was the whole-wheat flour that was too heavy, or if the baking powder that is getting on in years was the culprit. The taste is fine, but the bread is very heavy. I thought I'd never know, so we added baking powder to our grocery list.

The curious baker that I am, I did some quick research on the internet and learned that the baking powder is fine, it foamed in hot water. However, the flour was either too heavy or I didn't get my measurements correct. The dough had turned out thick as the author of the recipe said it would, but I think it was overly thick and had no chance of rising. At any rate, we don't need more baking powder. But, I won't be making this bread again unless I use about 1/2 all-purpose and 1/2 whole wheat flour.

We accomplished some indoor chores yesterday along with my baking fiasco and then we took the fur-children to Lake Forest Cemetary for a walk. Mary's theory was that although it was a nice day for walking, most people would be on the riverfront boardwalk rather than communing with the dearly departed. She was right. While there were some people and a few other dogs at the cemetery, they were well separated from everyone else in the huge expanse of the cemetery.

Oh, you may have noticed that I used two different spellings for the word cemetary, or is it cemetery? It turns out that it should be cemetery, but the sign in Grand Haven's Central Park has both spellings. A rule that I never knew existed is that a cemetery is eerie, so three "Es" is the accepted spelling. But, cemetary has been used too, so...

At any rate, I took a lot of pix while we were there. The fur-children liked it too, except for the other dogs who were there for the same reason.

Lots of open spaces, but very few live people.
Two of several interesting markers in the cemetery.
Another interesting marker.
A place for the dead where life is emerging after a long winter's nap.
Nice shadows.
We traveled about in the Tri-cities area after we dropped off the fur-children at home and I took still more pix.

Spring Lake is overflowing its shoreline, as predicted.
I think that this birdhouse is normally on dry land,
Open waters, but cool air/ Boaters were still on the water.

Our own Coast Guard boat, never to sail again, and perhaps a symbol for a fest that may get canceled.
The annual VFW Rib Fest has been canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The annual fest is a major fundraiser for the local VFW Post 2326.

We had left the fur-children to have the run of the manse while we were out. STWD repaired to the bedroom, while Ginger may have explored, but she was waiting for our return on her regular perch on the back of the living room sofa, looking to the west, since our one-way street means we have to return from that direction. She's getting to be a big girl now.

Once we were home, I took some additional pix in our own vast gardens, both in the parkway and on the back forty.

A few tulips in the parkway garden have escaped the notice of the native deer population.
Our azalea is starting to bloom. She is still a few years away from full health after being transplanted into a more sunny location.
We like to call this Haven Henge. It is composed of paving stones that were unearthed when the city took down a tree in the parkway several years ago. The stones had been buried and the tree grew around them over many, many years. 

Last night, I tuned in to Facebook™ to watch another of Wayne Faust's Living Room Concerts. He has been forced to stay indoors in Colorado over the past several weeks, but like all entertainers/artists, he longs to be on the road again, performing in front of live audiences in many parts of the USA. However, since he can't be on the road again until early June, he has been entertaining audiences via the internet. His own brand of schmaltzy humor and great music has helped to lighten Friday nights of late.

Say, as long as I used that phrase, "On The Road Again, here is Willies Nelson's song, On The Road Again with Nelson performing with the band The Highwaymen for your listening pleasure.

As long as I am including YouTube™ clips of songs about being on the road again, here is Canned Heat performing their own song, On The Road Again.

Laer this morning we plan to listen to the Grand Rapids, Michigan based Flowerland Show to also help us through this cooler than usual spring and also add some brightness to a dreary stay at home period.

After that, we'll read, write, color, play music, and watch another episode of Outlander. We skipped last night, as I didn't want to OD on TV. We used to enjoy TV news, but that too has become too dreary. Ciao.

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