Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Good morning or good evening, wherever you may be. It is fast passing 4:30 a.m. in "The City."

The weather started out very comfortable yesterday and it just got better as the day went along. STWD came along for the morning walk to Center Town and by the time we got back, she was tired. A few degrees warmer and the baby gets more easily fatigued. We have a current temperature of 58° with the overnight low forecast to drop to 53° before we reach our post dawn high of 65°.

I have that orthopedic appointment today at 10:00 a.m. and that shouldn't take too long. If I get up early enough, I plan to walk. Naturally, that walk comes on the heels of the morning safari with the intrepid weather dog. Then a stop at the grocery store for some needed supplies for our larder.

Trainspotting yesterday was rather pedestrian, to use a phrase. At 9:35 a.m., the southbound run of locomotives 2057 and 2019 passed through. In their wake, were one BC, and six CHCs. At 2:10 p.m., the same tandem of locomotives passed through town again towing nine CHCs, and one DWTC.

The repairman came for the dishwasher yesterday afternoon. It took him about 15 minutes to examine, diagnose, and repair the problem, a clogged vent system. That may well be the fastest money he has ever earned. However, when compared to the cost of a new machine, it was a bargain.
Mary was never more glad to see a working dishwasher in her kitchen.

We did make it to the community center last night for the presentation by the author, Emily St. John Mandel, of Station 11 which included readings by the author, various vignettes by the Pigeon Creek Shakespeare Company, and a short Q & A session with the author at the end. We enjoyed it immensely.

With regard to the book itself, I won't spoil it for you if you decide to read it, but I will say that it is one of the best works of fiction that I have read in a long time. As I've noted, Mary is more into post apocalyptic books and movies than me, but I still enjoyed the book and the presentation. If you can picture a future where all technology is no longer functional, no electricity, no air travel, and no automobiles, then you can get an idea of the plot of this book.

Did I mention that the 0 - 4 Detroit Lions fell to the Seattle Sea Hawks last night, 10 - 13?

Today, not much other than that doctor's appointment and a stop at the grocery store. Tonight, TV and kick back. The sun will rise in a few hours at 7:47 a.m. and set at 7;17 p.m. Ciao.

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