Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Good morning or good evening, wherever you may be. It is just passing 5:30 a.m. in "The City."

I actually got up about one hour ago, but then as Mary often says, I got sucked down another wormhole on the way to writing this blog. But I digress.

Unless you live under a rock or don't understand that "Baseball is Life!", you know that the Cubs took another one from the St. Louis Cardinals last evening at the Friendly Confines, final score 8 - 6, with a record six home runs for the Cubs. So once again, I can say, "There is joy in Chicago and GH." Well, maybe not if you are a fan of that other team from Chicago's south side,

Today, game four of the NLDS series takes place at "The Friendly Confines" between those same two teams. I just checked, and the official site lists the game time as 4:37 EDT. No predictions from this blogger, but as the old third baseman, Ron Santo often said, "This is the Year!"

We watched part of the game at our favorite watering hole and then finished up here after a walk home on a pleasant evening in GH.

That was after the morning walk with STWD and that aforementioned work in the vast gardens of the PE (Palatial Estate). Collectively Mary and I got quite a bit done, but at this time of year, each day brings new work. We did employ the leaf blowers that Adam bequeathed to us, and even Mary, who used the smaller of the two, had to admit that for some things, the blowers are appropriate, albeit still noisier than a broom.

I cleared out the cold frame and Mary planted some lettuce and spinach. At the former bean and zucchini patch, we expanded a bit, added some peat moss, and planted a crop of rye for tilling in next spring.

Trainspotting interrupted both my morning reverie and my afternoon nap. Locomotives 2019 and 2057 rolled through on the southbound run towing one BC, seven CHCs, and two DBTCs at 10:00 a.m. Later at 3:45 p.m., those same locomotives in reverse order passed by heading north towing three DBTCs, 29 CHCs, three GTCs, (gray tank cars) of unknown contents, with four DWTCs bringing up the rear.

Today after I get back from the second of my knee treatments, I plan to do nothing. While I am out, Mary will work on an index and later she'll chat with her colleagues. Before that, she'll spend some time looking at a box I found in the upstairs closet four years ago and then immediately forgot. When I was in there again yesterday, I rediscovered it and told Mary. Turns out that the previous owners chronicled much of the remodeling to the PE done in 1998. Dates, invoices, drawings, warranties, and most importantly, pictures of the old kitchen and driveway were in the box. Mary isn't quite done going through the things, but they are fascinating to look at.

Today, the sun will rise at 7:55 a.m. and set at 7:05 p.m. Did I mention, "Cubs Win!, Cubs Win!, Cubs Win!"? Ciao.

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