Saturday, May 9, 2015

Good morning or good evening, wherever you may be. It is just past 3:00 a.m. in "The City." STWD is sleeping next to the bed, probably as a result of a disturbance in the force as we like to call it. It is trying to rain outside the WW, and that is often all the impetus that our "Fur Baby" needs to join us at night.

Speaking of the weather, the forecast is for a rainy day today. That's okay, I won't have to water the lawns on the palatial estate and I can justify staying in and doing my highlighting work.

Rain seems to part of the forecast for the next few days, which allows me to comment on the walk that STWD and I took early in the day yesterday and also the one that Mary and I took later in the day. Sugar enjoyed her walk through the neighborhood. I had spent too much time sitting earlier, so I was a bit stiff in my baking yak. It got better as time passed.

I got the new capo for my 12 string guitar, Ivy, and it works perfectly. Much better than the last capo that I had to send back.

Mary told me that she was going out for a walk to enjoy the day. I thought she was going to get some copies, but she did those at home. Turns out, her walk became our walk, which ended at the waterfront on a restaurant deck overlooking the channel. We split a great black bean burrito and some adult beverages. Then we journeyed to the Post to see Sally, before finally heading home to the front porch to watch the world go by. STWD stayed in, because she can't handle being on the porch when people and other dogs go by.

In the world of sports, the boys in blue got past the Brewers, 7 - 6. The Tigers also got past their opponent, the K.C. Royals, 6 - 5. My beloved Red Sox fell to the Blue Jays 0 - 7. Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water, so to speak. Maybe it never was. The Caps slipped past the Dayton Dragons, 4 - 3. I also noticed the Bulls nailed a buzzer beater to defeat the Cavaliers in the NBA Playoffs™, 99- 96.

That looks like enough for one day. I'll be taking that morning walk with STWD if she will go. She gets reluctant when it rains. Then I'll settle in for some full contact highlighting.

The sun will rise at 6:28 a.m., and set at 8:54 p.m. Ciao.

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