Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Good morning or good evening, wherever you may be. At 5:00 a.m in "The City" it is probably closer to sunrise than I would like, but them's the breaks.

Speaking of the sun, it will be rising at 6:32 a.m., on what promises to be a 71° day, with clearing skies and scattered showers possible. Tomorrow looks about the same. The weekend is still iffy, with the forecast for more showers, but warm temperatures in the upper 60s and lower 70s.

Looks like I missed the trains, as did the boys in blue. They fell to the Cardinals again, this time 4 - 7. Their $50,000,000 reliever came in with the game tied and left with the boys losing 4 - 6.  The Tigers also fell, in their case to that other team from Chicago, 2 - 5. My beloved Red Sox righted the ship for one day as they defeated the Rays, 2 - 0. The Caps got rained out.

Elsewhere in the news, Mary and I finished her last project yesterday afternoon. Well, I edited some and she did most of the work. She is now on to that 1,000 page tome which is due next.

In other local news, the proposal to raise taxes to repair the roads in MI went down in flames, with three of four voters giving it a resounding, No! Now the state and its Republican dominated government, with the worst roads in the nation, will either have to cut spending elsewhere or come up with a tax proposal that people will accept. Yeah right.

So that looks like enough for one day. I have no firm plans as of yet. Reading, walking with STWD, and general household duties. Looks like a full day before the sun sets at 8:51 p.m. Ciao

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