Thursday, May 28, 2015

Good morning or good evening, wherever you may be. It is just past 1:30 a.m. in "The City."

Mary reminded me yesterday, that I need to include a listing of the various acronyms that I use in my blogs. I can't remember the name she gave to the list, but that's okay, I can create the list and she can tell me tomorrow. So here goes..

WW = Weather Window. STWD = Sugar the Weather Dog. CHC = Covered Hopper Car. DBTC = Dreaded Black Tank Car. PE = Palatial Estate. I think there are others, and as I remember or use them, I'll try to update the list.

As is the norm at this hour, it is dark outside the WW. The forecast for today shows that no precipitation will be happening and the high temperature will be 78° after the early morning low of 52°. The first chance of significant precipitation appears on Saturday. STWD didn't go into hiding, so we knew that the chance of severe weather was slight. On Saturday, I'll update her forecast.

Yesterday was a great day. We made our pilgrimage to see Adam and Steph. We picked up a few things that they were willing to part with. We ate an excellent lunch at a place not far from their home. We had to let them know that we had gone Vegan just before New Year's Day. When queried as to why, I had to say that the accompanying loss of weight has done wonders for my knees, but that my concern for animals and their welfare was the overriding reason. If you can envision your pet on your dinner plate, then you get some idea of what moved me in the vegan direction.

It took a lot of years to get here. I had dabbled with vegetarianism several times, but when the chance/challenge to join the Veganuary movement came to light, I agreed that it was the right time and the right decision. One month became two and then three, and so on. I've been drinking almond milk and using meat and cheese substitutes for several years, so it wasn't all that difficult.

It can be hard, but not impossible, to find things to eat away from home, but with a little creativity, you can make it work. Mary is great at the creation of tasty meals that use no animal products when she is cooking, and she is a genius at reading a menu and finding things that fit the bill.

I got in some time with the girls yesterday, even though my voice was on the scratchy side. I think it has something to do with the high volume of allergens in the air this year. I like sleeping with the windows open, but alas, there is a price to pay in the morning.

The sports report is a mixed bag. The boys in blue fell to the Nats, 0 - 3. The Tigers eked out a win over the As, 3 - 2. My beloved Red Sox once again fell to the Twins, 4 - 6. The Caps took another one from the Lake County Captains, 4 - 3. The Blackhawks defeated the Ducks 5 - 2, to force a seventh and deciding game in their playoff series.

We stopped at the Post to see Sally.

Today, I have to go to the grocery store while Mary continues working, and then I have to get back to work highlighting. Mary was offered another job that will eliminate the hoped for downtime, but that's okay, because it looks like another interesting book to read and highlight. Before I go to the store, I have to unload the car of all the things that we carried back from Adam and Steph's.

Not much else is on tap for today. I have a plant to place in the garden, and I should mow the lawns of the P.E., but that should be it. The sun will rise at 6:10 a.m. and set at 9:14 p.m. Ciao.

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