Monday, January 7, 2013

Good morning GH.  It is shorty after eight AM here in our fair city and the current temperature on the desktop is 33 degrees.  We are looking for a high today of 37, and by week's end, highs in the upper 40s.  Typical Michigan winter weather, not!  When I look out the Weather Window I see just scattered spots of snow.  We are at least 10 inches below where an average winter would be in the snow department.  I don't miss the snow clearing activity, but if this is "normal" we need to plan for the other changes that are becoming the "new normal."

Sugar the Weather Dog is still sleeping next to the bed, except when she is downstairs.  She disdains the use of her bed upstairs.  I don't mind, but I don't get it.  She prefers walking without the snow on the walkways.  Not that she doesn't like snow, she does, but when Mary or I walk with her, we go slow to avoid the slip and slide that inevitably comes with icy sidewalks, and that slows Sugar down.  When Sugar and I walked yesterday, we reversed our route, just because.  It is amazing how just going backwards can open your eyes to new things.  I suggest that you try it, because Sugar and I discovered many things that were visibly new to us.

Mary made spinach burgers yesterday, and I pronounce them great.  Of course, I am not a very impartial taste tester, because if it involves chopped spinach, I am generally down with it.  The same can be said for dishes that include green beans, horseradish, most forms of jalapeno peppers, garlic and things of that ilk.  I should also mention that for me, it is hard to spoil a dish that is based in soup.  In many ways, I epitomize the typical American male, but in many ways, I run counter to the norm.  Once again, go figure.

Otherwise, not much on tap for the day.  Some laundry, some guitar playing, which I must do, and of course, the national championship college football game.  I don't have a horse in that race, but I do like college football, and I am tired of the SEC having all the bragging rights.  Of course, there is the obligatory...Tea time, but that actually should go without saying.  So, unless something other than Sugar taking me or Mary and me for a walk, I'll just say Ciao.

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