Monday, January 14, 2013

Good morning GH.  I did it!  I didn't get up to blog during the night.  I guess you need to stay up till after midnight to accomplish something as simple as that.  Currently, the view out the Weather Window shows that a light, and I do mean light, amount of snow fell overnight.  There is just enough to notice, but not enough to inconvenience.  Not bad for mid January in Michigan.  The current temperature on the desktop is a brisk twenty-two degrees.  We expect to bounce back to the mid-thirties by mid-week, (wow, I got to use the hyphen a lot in this blog), with only a slight chance of precipitation.  There are both advantages and disadvantages to that lake effect thing. Sugar the Weather Dog is down with Mary right now, which generally means that she actually had to go out.  Otherwise, she won't leave the bedroom until I go down.  She too supports the forecast of light snow.

Today is a good day for staying in.  I will have to walk Sugar the Weather Dog, but that is about the height of my ambition. Sugar will demand it, and I need to do it for my own health.  I have more work to do for Mary, and I must play my guitar some, but those are both indoor activities.

I had a great email conversation with a friend about the idea of spacing after sentences.  As a retired teacher of English and writing, she agrees with me.  However, if Mary is right, then I will have to go through my writing to change the spacing for a publisher.  Of course, that requires that I finish my novel first, but with all I have on my plate right now, that is on the back burner.

Otherwise, not much on tap for the day.  I got an update from Barb about one of her grandchildren and the child's abilities in gymnastics.  Per Barb, the young lady, and she is young by my standards probably not her own, has her mother's gymnastics abilities, and her father's drive for success.  The two together could take her to the Olympics.  The cost of training for that could be huge.  But, and here is the best part, she is on the cusp of that age where young women become Olympic stars.  I would actually be able to see someone perform whom I knew.  Sort of like winning the lottery, but without a personal investment.  Also like some people say about having grandchildren, you can enjoy them, but then they go home.

So, until I get on with my day and...Tea time and my "job", I'll go make the bed, and relax for a bit. Ciao.

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