Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Good morning GH.  Well I made it, for at least one night.  Still, it is nearly 4:30 AM, which is better than 2:00 AM, I think.  Currently, Sugar the Weather Dog is sleeping next to the bed, which is an improvement over sleeping in the bathroom, in my opinion.  The desktop temperature is a brisk twenty-seven degrees and the view out the Weather Window is, of necessity for this hour, dark. For the benefit of Adam, the deck is mostly clear of snow, but then, so is the yard on our palatial estate.

I am making progress on my work, but it can be tedious.  I guess that it goes with the territory.  I'd love to say that I knew the job was tough when I took it, but I was drafted.  This is not an all volunteer activity.  Like most things I do, I'll make it through.  I still need my new glasses, but they should be here any day.  I have to remind myself that as Mary says, "We are all entitled to our own opinion, just not our own set of facts."

I sent a series of car related articles from The New York Times to Adam yesterday.  He should be receiving them by Wednesday.  I hope he likes them.  I had also sent him a link to some info about the 2014 Corvette.  My only comment was. "WOW!"  GM is finally getting in some serious competition for the super cars of the world, but they still haven't given up on that front engine concept.  Adam and I agree that they have taken that about as far as they can at this point in history.

Overall, Sugar and I had a nice day of walking on Monday.  We went downtown, but it was too early for the local newspaper.  We did espy (this word means to catch sight of or glimpse something previously unknown) a stray dog loose in  Central Park, but although Sugar wanted to "rescue" it, we couldn't get that to happen.  We were just too slow.  I have to remind myself to contact the city about that tree that is leaning in Central Park.  Mary and I agree that it seems to be leaning more each day and threatening the monument to the veterans on the east side of the park, not to mention people just walking through and not paying attention.

Oh well, time for more R & R.  So, I'll be heading back to dreamland and I won't get up until the sun is up.  Tea time awaits in about four hours.  Ciao.

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