Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Good early morning GH.  Well, we made it, and I didn't.  It is now 2013 here in GH, but I fell asleep before midnight.  Surprise; without my help, the calendar changed pages and the world went on. When I was younger, I used to struggle to stay awake to meet the new year, but now that I am older, I realize that it happens with or without me.  Much like the sports teams that I love, they win or lose whether I listen or watch, or not.  What that means, I am not certain, but I am certain that the world was here before I arrived, and it will be here long after I am gone.  Maybe our politicians could take something from that.

Currently, the view out the Weather Window is dark, with the outlook for more dark, being likely until about 8:00 AM.  The temperature on the desktop is 24 degrees, not bad when you consider that we are in the early stages of winter.  We still have a snow cover, and the temperatures are expected to stay in the twenties for the remainder of the week.  However, by early next week, the lower thirties return.

Sugar the Weather Dog and I had a nice walk this morning.  We had to mind our step a bit to avoid the ice on the sidewalks, but we did just fine.  I should note, that Sugar stepped in some road salt while we were walking, and that made her little paws hurt.  She is such a girly girl.  Right now, she is sleeping next to the bed, still not desirous of being in her bed.  I don't get it, and maybe someday she will be able to tell me.

I am planning on returning to the kitchen today.  I made cookies yesterday with Sugar's help, and they turned out great.  Today, I am going to try my hand at another soup.  The recipe looked interesting and I have all of the ingredients, so.  Of course, I still have to do some editing, and some other things to do, but it should all come together, right after Sugar and I go walking.  This being New Year's Day, not much will be happening in GH today, but that's fine with us.  So, until the next blog, I'll say Ciao, and get ready for...Tea time.

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