Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Good morning GH.  The current temperature on the desktop display is 25 cool degrees.  Of course, the view out the Weather Window is dark, with a side of winter.  There haven't been any trains the past few nights, probably due to the holidays.  I suspect that that will be changing as the days and nights go forward.  However, since we are also past the holiday buying season, that may mitigate against the need to ship goods.  Only time will tell.

Mary and I had a nice time at the Post on New Year's Day.  They had a pot luck lunch/dinner, and asked that people bring a dish to share.  Mary made her veggie chili, with a touch less spice, and the people seemed to like it as both a main and side dish.  I like spicy, so by my standards, it was good, but needed more spice.  Obviously, just one man's opinion.   Someone made some cream cheese roll-ups, and they were reportedly spicy.  I found them to be just right.  Overall, we ate too much, drank too much, and had a great time.

Sugar is currently residing in her indoor cave, but that is something that only she can explain.  I suspect that she is in favor of the phrase, "Not much was happening."  We can only hope that whatever is bothering her resolves itself over time.

It is fascinating how much quieter GH is during the post-holiday and off seasons.  Less traffic and less people.  It's that love/hate thing.  Our fair city and its workers make money when the people are in town, but the pace of life picks up so much, that the place becomes like a beehive.  Overall, I like it, but I haven't lived her long enough for the activity to lose its appeal.  Plus, I don't have to serve all the people.  I do remember that the local corn dog purveyor opens for one day in January, and I saw the resulting line that formed.  Cool, but only from a perspective of an outside observer. As a worker, it is most likely frenetic.

But, it is time for me to get back to bed and some sleep.  We have a local handyman coming by today to plug up the holes under our kitchen sink and to possibly remove the blockage from the heating/cooling vent in my office/music room.  I'll need to buy a new register if he is successful.

So, until it is...Tea time, I'll just say Ciao.

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