Friday, July 24, 2015

Good morning or good evening, wherever you may be. It has just passed 5:15 a.m. in The City." The sun will be rising in less than one hour at 6:15 a.m. on a sunny day with a high of 82°. Many hours later, that same sun will set at 9:15 p.m. In between, this little tourist town will see more than its share of visitors as they begin to arrive for the annual Coast Guard Festival™ that begins with a car show on Sunday.

STWD, maybe Mary, and I will set out on our morning safari later this morning. If we get out early enough, we can go downtown with Sugar. She doesn't do well in crowds. Mary does have an index to finish and edit today. I have to assist with the final edit, but I have heard from reliable sources that this index is only about 10 pages.

No trains yesterday.

In sports, the boys in blue had the day off before opening a series later today against the Phillies. The Tigers lost in 12 innings, 2 - 3 to the Mariners. My beloved Red Sox fell to the Astros, 4 - 5, while the Caps fell to the Dayton Dragons 1 - 2 in 13 innings.

That's a nice way to segue to my personal sports report. I made it to the driving range in Fruitport yesterday. I rented a small bucket of golf balls and set out to swing a golf club in anger for the first time in about 20 years. I was cautious and took a small bucket to try the effects on my yak. So far, so good. I duffed a few, hit a few with a slice or a hook, and I also hit several that went to where I had hoped, though not as far as I used to. Tantalizing enough to make me try again. All that assumes that in two days I don't feel the effects.

After I hit those golf balls, I went to the resale stores to purchase a few frames for some pictures in my office. Mary and I are believers in reuse and re-purposing, rather than purchasing new, when possible. That's not cheap, that's wise, especially since many of the items at the resale stores are still in their original packaging, untouched by human hands, so to speak. I also went to the aforementioned big-box home center and got the things I had on my list. Then home for some work in the man-cave.

Mary and I did get out for diner before the weekend crowds made that impossible.

Today, since I have all  my chores done, I plan to get back to doing nothing. That's after I assist Mary with the editing. I'll certainly play with the girls and do some additional reading in my latest large-print novel. I have one little task to complete in the man-cave, but that's about five or 10 minutes at the outside.

So there you have it, a short synopsis of yesterday's activities and today's planned activities. Not much left to say except that I am going to try once more to hook up that sound box that we got from Adam and Steph. I downloaded the instructions, so I'll have to read them when my brain is at full thinking capacity.

I heard that Steph's yak or muscle is responding well to P/T and the passage of time. I have been down that road before, as has Adam, and Steph herself, so I know how frustrating waiting for improvement can be. Ciao.

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