Sunday, March 29, 2015

Good morning. or good evening, wherever you may be. It is just past 2:00 a.m. in "The City." A current temperature of 20° is cool, but I'm inside the weather window, and therefore, I don't feel it. We're heading for a high of 43° later today with a good chance for rain/snow. By Monday, that threat goes away and yields to sunnier skies, the trend that appears to continue for several more days.

I had a great day yesterday. I spent considerable time in the man-cave working on the cold frame. I'll include some pictures when I am done. I am having some difficulty with the limited tools that I have, but I am working through those issues.

I have to remind myself that the time I spend on the concrete floor should be limited. I used to overdo that all the time when I got involved in a project in my previous wood shop. I'll do better. I may even take today off to enjoy the game between the Spartans and the Cardinals of Louisville. I noticed that the boys in blue are starting to get their act together. Once again, to quote the immortal Ron Santo, "This is the year!"

I wore out some of my screw driver bits and so Mary took me to the local big-box home center to get replacements.

That trip allowed us to stop at our favorite watering hole for some libations and a bean burrito without cheese. We find that we are liking the burritos better without the cheese as we can taste the red sauce. It was a short stop, but rewarding none the less. Naturally, we had to watch some of the Hallmark Channel™ when we got home. We also watched a repeat of NCIS New Orleans that was very good.

Otherwise, not much was happening. I walked with Sugar the Weather Dog while Mary did some gardening. There is still a bit of snow in the back forty of the palatial estate, so her efforts are somewhat hampered. She is slowly trying to spread out the piles so that they will melt more quickly.

Once I got tired and headed upstairs, Mary and Sugar the Sous Dog stayed behind to work in the kitchen. I think we all enjoyed our day.

The sun will rise at 7:32 a.m. and set at 8:07 p.m. Ciao.

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