Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Good morning or good evening, wherever you may be. It is nearing 2:00 a.m. in "The City." A current temperature of 39° is not the lowest we will get this morning, that's 31°. Right now it feels like 34° due to the light winds. Later this morning, the sun will rise at 8:05 and the sun will warm our day to 45°, once the fog clears. By Thursday, the high temperature will rise to 49° under sunny skies. That's the day I'll be going to the orthopedist, so I can wear my shorts to make things easier for him to treat my knees.

Today, I'll be watching the ice and snow continue to melt on the palatial estate. I saw some concrete peeking out in our shared driveway. By Thursday, we should be able to take a nice long walk with Sugar the Weather Dog before I go to the doctor.

Later today, I have a book to finish that I started before we ran from the ice and snow and headed south. I have a few more books at the library that must be picked up by next Monday. It feels good to have the library available once again.

Gosh, I nearly forgot. I didn't mention my trainspotting activities this morning. At about 11:30 p.m. I had a train hearing experience as the southbound train passed by. Since I was up at 3:15 a.m., I heard the northbound train coming through. In this case, I actually spotted the train. Locomotives, #s 2057 and 2018 were towing a combination of 16 covered hopper cars, interspersed with six of those dreaded black tank cars. Most people never see those dreaded cars go by, but my vigilance allowed me to see their passage. If people only knew. I cant say for certain about their contents, but I hope that we don't find out the hard way that they were filled with toxic or flammable substances.

Not much else on tap for today. I finished my highlighting chores, so I'm free to do all the things that I've been meaning to get to since we got back. Song lyrics, reading, cold frame building, picture searching, etc. I still want to get to that puzzle too, but it may wait until next winter. I plan to wait until the snow clears from the outdoor entrance to the man cave, so that I can get the lumber down for the cold frame. Hopefully by week's end.

So the sun will set at 7:45 p.m. after what promises to be a lovely day. Ciao.

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