Sunday, March 22, 2015

Good morning or good evening, wherever you may be. It is just past 4:30 a.m. in "The City." A current temperature of 29° should give way to today's high of 39° here on the shores of the "Big Lake." Temperatures will continue to fluctuate throughout the coming week. Rain is also a possibility. That's spring in MI.

Yesterday, Sugar the Weather Dog and I took the morning walk as Mary had plans to go to GR for a show. I think it was supposed to be about vegetable gardening or something, but since I had to go to the Irish Jam session, she was on her own.

Speaking of the Irish Jam, there were many young people there and it seemed like the youngest to the teenage players were incredible musicians. I don't know if they can read music, probably, but they sure can play. I've spent a lot of years playing, but I'm not that good without music in front of me.

Later we traveled across the bridge to go to the fabric store and the bread bakery. A short stop at one of our local watering holes here in GH, and we were in for the night. I watched some TV as did Mary, but her ability to stay up and knit exceeds my ability to just stay awake. So, I didn't. Today we have no plans. We have considered just letting Sugar out after breakfast and then returning to the warmth of the bed. However, I don't know if I have that in me either, considering my usual penchant for getting up in the middle of the night to blog. We'll see.

So that looks like enough for one day. There is an NCAA game on later with MI State and VA at 12:10 p.m., so I may get up to watch that. While I'm not really following the tournament, I always like to see State win. I'm still waiting for baseball. Like former Cub and Cub's broadcaster Ron Santo, the consummate homer, used to say, "This is the year!" Naturally, I'm also awaiting my beloved Red Sox and the Tigers too.

As the immortal Willie Nelson said in a song, "Ain't it funny, how time just slips right on away." The sun will rise at 7:45 a.m., and set at 7:59 p.m., so it's time to say, Ciao.

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