Thursday, March 26, 2015

Good morning or good evening, wherever you may be. It is just past 1:30 a.m. in "The City." A current temperature of 30° is not nearly as low as it will get tonight, that's 20°. Later today we'll rebound to 40° under partly cloudy skies. As long as the wind isn't blowing, walking with Sugar the Weather Dog is a pleasure.

On Wednesday, Mary and I traveled to the local big-box home center and got the additional wood I needed for the cold frame. I finished the saw horses and now I am set to finish the frame itself. No particular skills are necessary, just the ability to use a circular saw and a power screwdriver.

Since I have an appointment at the orthopedist later this afternoon, I probably won't get to the construction phase until Friday.

I did get in some time with the girls in the afternoon too. I like to think that I was playing and singing well. I like to think it, that doesn't mean that I was. However, I do know when I am not doing well, so perhaps I am as good a judge as anyone.

At about 11:00 last night, the southbound train rolled by. I heard it, but I was comfortably ensconced in my bed, so as Forrest Gump would have said, "That's all I have to say about that."

We stopped by the Post yesterday afternoon to see Sally and the gang. The Post's annual Soup and Slider Fest is coming up on Saturday and they will need all the heaters that they have to keep the tent warm. Here in MI, the low temperatures are causing havoc with the fruit crops. Since trees are starting to bud, too cold is just as bad as an early warm spell that lets the trees develop their buds and then sends them into shock. That happened here three years ago. Hopefully the apple and cherry farmers are ready this year. Some things just can't be planned for nor handled.

Otherwise, not much is happening. The sun will rise later this morning at 7:38 a.m., and set at 8:03 p.m.

Like the character, Andy Dufresne said to his friend Ellis Boyd "Red" Redding in the Shawshank Redemption, he had a choice, "Get busy living, or Get busy Dying." Mary and I consider that the best buddy movie ever made. So a few years ago, when I got a devastating diagnosis, I could have given up. Adam said to me, "Either get busy living, or get busy dying." I think I made a good choice and got busy living. Today, and from now on, I'd give that same advice to anyone who cares to listen. Ciao.

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