Thursday, March 5, 2015

Good morning or good evening, wherever you may be. It is just past 3:30 a.m in "The City." A current temperature of 8° feels like -4°. Can I say Brrr! now? Good news though, we'll climb to 18° later today, and by Saturday, we should be into the upper 30° range. That's supposed to continue into the following week. Here's hoping.

My doctor was in surgery yesterday, and so his office asked if I could reschedule. Naturally, I was more than happy to postpone until today for at least two reasons. One, I want the doctor to devote as much time as possible to whatever patient he is treating. Two, I am more than happy to postpone my knee treatments. While I can tolerate pain, I am not a big fan.

Sugar the Weather Dog wants to go for a walk, but the state of the sidewalks is such that I'd have to walk in the street. I may try a bit of that today, as she, Mary and I could use the exercise. Or, we could load Sugar into the car and travel to the downtown area where the sidewalks are heated and walking is possible. I think I'll suggest that to Mary.

As it is, I had to place our trash bin in the street because there was no place in the parkway. If that "heatwave" prediction comes to pass, we might see some lawn again. Yes, dare I say it? There will be new grass on the field. Thanks to John Fogerty for the inspiration.

Yesterday, we got out, ran some errands, and picked up a few more things for Mary's cold frame. All I need now is the lumber and I should be set to go. That assumes that I actually see that grass again. With the Great  Lakes ice cover at 88%, we are likely to have a cool spring and a cooler than average summer. But, who knows?

Today, I want to go to the orthopedist and then settle in to do what I had planned for yesterday. I'm usually good right after the treatments, so I should be fine until tomorrow. I have a few books on hold at the library, so I may stop there while I am out. So much to do, so little time.

We stopped by at the Post to see who was there. Some of the regulars were, but John was tending the bar as Sally was down visiting her daughter in Florida, not far from where we just were staying. Sally left a message that it was raining, a lot.

Otherwise, not much is happening. The sun will rise at 7:14 a.m., and set at 6:39 p.m. The days they are getting longer. Ciao.

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