Thursday, October 2, 2014

Good morning or good evening,wherever you may be. It is just past 3:00 a.m. in "The City." In spite of the forecast, there is no visible precipitation outside the Weather Window. Currently, the temperature out there is 59° as we dive down to our low of 56°. Today, the forecast calls for a high of 69° with rain and thunder. If that thunder thing comes to pass, Sugar the Weather Dog will not be going out. Her choice, not ours, but I'm okay with that. I used to like walking in the rain, and I even played golf in an electrical storm, but I can get by these days watching out the Weather Window. Friday, Saturday, and Sunday all have a forecast for rain and windy conditions, as the temperature continues to drop.

I didn't hear the train yet tonight. I heard it last night, and the northbound run seemed long and heavily laden.

Yesterday, I watched Mary work, but before that, collectively, we made biscuits and gravy. Mary taught me how to make sausage gravy using the no meat breakfast sausages she got at the store the day before. The taste was excellent when coupled with the biscuits that I had made the day before. I like to think that it was the biscuits that made the difference.

About 4:00 p.m. we went out to the big box hardware store in Muskegon. With a list, we got everything we wanted and nothing we didn't. However the one thing that I had hoped to get was not available. So, I've moved the strike from the closet door to the main door to my office. I may have a strike in the junk drawer of the workbench in the man cave. I'll check later today. If not, it was more important to make the door to the music room close securely than that of the closet. Neither actually lock, but I'd rather the door close securely when I am playing the girls and Mary is working in her office down the hall. I still can't sing when she is concentrating, but that's a small price to pay.

I also did some transcription of music yesterday. I am assembling a travelling book for trips and the like. Plus, some of the old music was getting yellowed and hard to read. That makes the transcriptions a win-win, to use an overused phrase. This is a project that reminds me of the old days in the workshop of our previous home. I used to spend more time organizing than building. Hey, retirement is good for many things.

In sports, the Giants routed the Pirates, 8 - 0 in a National League Wildcard game last night. The Pirates were my sentimental favorite, but I still want to see the Tigers get to the World Series. They play later tonight. I know that the television people prefer to have a West Coast versus an East Coast team World Series, but I want a certain team from Detroit. As of now, the Nationals are the odds on favorite to take the series. Tonight we'll see the Tigers versus the Orioles and then the Royals versus the Angels. Tomorrow night, the Cardinals face off against the Dodgers, the Giants take on the Nationals, the Tigers once again face the Orioles, and the Royals get the Angels once again.

If the weather forecast is accurate, which it often isn't, then that precludes any outdoor work on the grounds of the palatial estate. So, I'll do my work indoors.

When the sun sets tonight at 7:23 p.m., I'll be watching baseball. All of the weather forecasts are for the rain to commence sometime tonight/early morning, sometime before the sun rises at 7:41 a.m. Ciao.

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