Friday, October 10, 2014

Good morning or good evening, wherever you may be. It is just past 4:00 a.m. in "The City." We have a current temperature of 41° as we drop to an overnight low of 39°. That's all I have to say about that. When Sugar the Weather Dog offers up more information, I'll share that.

Speaking of Sugar the Weather Dog, she and I had a great walk yesterday morning. The skies were blue, the sun was shining, and the temperature though cool, was very pleasant. As Mary often says, fall is the perfect season, here in GH and around the Midwest in general. Unfortunately, Mary keeps regaling me with stories of the impending worst winter in our memory. That's according to the anonymous, and all too nebulous group that is often referred to as "they", according to Mary. In other words, all we have to go on is our fear of the unknown. It was Franklin Delano Roosevelt who said, "The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself." However, Mr. Roosevelt didn't have to shovel snow in the Midwest.

Elsewhere, I heard both train runs earlier. Each seemed laden with heavy loads, but the southbound run caused the rails to squeal like a Chicago elevated train during rush hour. I think that means that the southbound train was more heavily loaded. I never saw either run, but I could hear them as they passed by.

Yesterday, I received a missive from the fine folks at the Flowerland Show™, regarding the question that I sent to them about my pepper plants with what appears to be tomatoes growing on them. Apparently I intrigued them, so they have asked to talk to me on Saturday morning during their show. I'll be there. I sent them some pictures to give them a point of reference. Hopefully they will have an answer, because I don't.

I also spent some time editing the index for Mary. Lots of detail work, but nothing compared to what Mary has to do to create the actual index. I got an early payment for my work when we traveled to the favorite watering hole last evening. Today we have to visit the accountant to finish the quarterly taxes that go with being a small business owner. Then we'll travel north to see the changing of the leaves.

As I was editing yesterday, the two and four legged girls went for a walk. I was afraid that Sugar was going to like going for two walks again, and I was right. Mary says we have to nip it, nip it in the bud. But when you have a high energy dog like Sugar, she likes to walk. Sugars and I ran into the nice lady who delivers the Grand Haven Tribune in GH Township. As is often the case, she had a treat for the intrepid weather dog, and that sent Sugar into paroxysms of activity as she anticipated that treat. Pavlov would have been proud as Sugar remembered someone and their vehicle that Sugar hadn't seen in many days.  

When Mary and I were walking to the favorite watering hole, I took a few pictures in Central Park to find out how they look when the flash doesn't get in the way.

We still have some flowers in the park.

The fountain in the park, is shut down for the winter. 

I was using the idea of  lines and triangles to give depth and a focal point to a picture, while showing some of the flowers still in bloom.

All of the pictures were taken in natural light as the sun was setting. I like the effect.

That seems like enough for today and yesterday. The sun will rise at 7:50 a.m. and set at 7:10 p.m. So much to do, so little time. Ciao.

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