Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Good morning GH. It has just passed 2:30 a.m. in "The City." With a current temperature of 50° as we drop to an overnight low of 43°, the view outside the Weather Window is dark and not stormy. That's subject to change on Friday when the temperature drops to a high of 42° with showers and windy conditions. For those few brave souls who decide to go Trick or Treating, it won't be pleasant. More chocolate candy for me. Today we have an expected high of 48° under cloudy skies.

All of that is my way of saying that it is a good thing that I got the majority of my outdoor work done on Tuesday. More leaves raked and bagged, check. Rocking chairs from the front porch moved to the man-cave, check. Bicycles moved to the man-cave, check. Back forty mowed, check. Girls played, check. (Oops, how did that get in there?) A morning walk with Sugar the Weather Dog and Mary, check. Collapse, check. I probably overdid it a bit. Now I'll actually live to regret it.

We had dinner around the corner last evening, and it was great. Mary wanted to take a longer walk, but I compromised by going to the bank with her and then to the "Best kept secret in GH." Since I had walked in the morning and done all of that outdoor work, I didn't want to walk any more than that. As I said to Mary, "While you were slaving over a hot computer, I was slaving over the outdoor work."

An interesting side note. I had just finished clearing the storm drain in front of the palatial estate when the fire department decided it was time to open a water valve by their nearby station. The resultant water flow was able to clear the curb and not clog the drain. All good for me.

The southbound train went by about 1:15 a.m. I heard it, but didn't see it.

Today, Mary and I may take a road trip and then afterwards, I plan to do very little. Reading maybe, but that is about it. As I said earlier, the activities from Tuesday have left me a bit sore. I'm hoping that Sugar the Weather Dog and I can take a morning walk and that's about it. While we are on our road trip, Mary may want to get more apple sauce apples and tomatoes. She also wants some Swiss cheese for her famous sandwiches.

I'll want to get some driveway salt. Last year the salt around GH and it's environs ran out. I am betting it is time to get some while we can. However, there are plenty of people in Michigan who probably have already had that idea. We'll see. Anyone else with a home in Michigan may want to lay in a small supply. How much, I don't know. It depends on whether the forecast for a milder winter comes to pass.

The K. C. Royals have forced a seventh game in the World Series™, with a 10 - 0 defeat of the Giants in Kansas City.

That looks like enough for Tuesday and Wednesday. The sun will rise at 8:13 a.m. and set at 6:41 p.m. Nothing I do, or don't do, will change that immutable fact. Ciao.

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