Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Good morning GH. We have just passed 4:00 a.m. in "The City." Our current temperature is 56° as we drop to our overnight low of 49°. We did get some rain yesterday, but nothing like the prediction made by the National Weather Service. Today, that same National Weather Service is predicting p.m. showers at 30%, just in time for the trip that Mary and I will be making to the community center for a play about John and Abigail Adams.

The play, entitled My Dearest Friend, was written by a Michigan author. Since I love the study of history, especially that period in American history, it should be a great. experience. The community center theater is something that Mary and I have yet to experience, so that in itself should be fun and entertaining.

Yesterday, I didn't get as much playing time with the girls as I would have liked. By the time that the rain ebbed enough to get out with Sugar the Weather Dog, it was about 10:00 a.m. That trip was followed by a short trip to the local health food store, and then lunch. About two hours later, I was finished chopping, sauteing, and cooking the ingredients for my latest batch of squash and kale soup. The aromas of garlic, onions, and spices permeated all levels of the manor house here on the palatial estate. I think it will be great, and I'll know for sure at lunch today. I must note that Mary made the preparations easier by getting the kale chopped and cooked a few days ago. I made enough soup for Sally to also have some. She is so generous to me, that that's the least I can do.

I sat down to read the newspaper and do the crossword, and then it was time to get in some playtime with the girls. Mary was chatting, so she was not bothered by my warbling. About 3:00 p.m., she came in to say we were off to the farm stand to get some additional winter squash, apples, and eggs. That was the signal it was time to stop playing. I like going to the farm stand, so I'm not complaining. I never did get in any reading. I'll have to try turning in the book today and see if it is on hold. If not, I may be able to check it out again. If it is on hold, I'll put myself in the Que again. I already owe $.45 in fines on other books, and I don't like keeping a book overtime if someone is waiting for it.

Once we got home, Mary and I played a couple of spirited games of Scrabble™ and then watched NCIS. Finally it was time for me to go up to the media room and fall asleep. I awoke just in time to go to bed.

Elsewhere today, I hope to get in more playtime and possibly reading after my morning constitutional with Sugar the Weather Dog. Oddly enough, while I was working in the kitchen yesterday, the intrepid one was upstairs with Mary. I peeled and sliced carrots and squash, and made noise in the kitchen. It wasn't until I dropped some squash in her bowl that her hearing detected the sound of kitchen activity. That brought her on the run. Too late for much action as the resident Sous Dog. She'll get some cooked squash for breakfast today.

In a side note, I heard the southbound train about 12:30 a.m., and now at 5:15 a.m., the northbound run is going by. It was  just the two EMD GP 38 locomotives.

That's enough for one day, let alone two. The sun will rise at 7:56 a.m., and set at 7:00 p.m. Ciao.

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