Saturday, October 25, 2014

Good morning or good evening, wherever you may be. It is just past 4:30 a.m. EDT in "The City." I have fallen back into my old habit of writing in the middle of the early morning hours. That's probably because I went to bed at 9:30 p.m. EDT last night. Oh well, since I don't have a fixed schedule, it really doesn't matter. In any event, the current temperature outside the Weather Window is 53° as we drop to the overnight low of 41°. Later today, after the sun rises at 8:09 a.m. EDT, we may see a predicted high of 62° under partly cloudy skies. Oddly enough, Sunday is forecast to have a high of 58° under sunny skies. Go figure. Monday the forecast calls for a high of 71° with a 40% chance of T-storms in the morning. Tuesday, the National Weather Service has predicted a high of 59° with a 70% chance of rain all day.

In other news, today is the day of the MSU/Michigan college football game. Mary and I will be off to the Post later this afternoon to partake of the game and the food. Sunday, we have nothing at all on the schedule, so if the promised sunny skies are a reality, I/we may get in a last bike ride and then put the bikes away for the year. Since I'll have the outer doors to the Man-Cave open, I may take the lawn mower down and replace it in the garage with the snowblower. It is fast closing on November, so here in Michigan, the weather can change at a moment's notice. Of course all of my plans are subject to change at a moment's notice too.

I think that Mary is between jobs for a few days, so that gives us a chance to do a few thing that we haven't had time for lately. I checked out several books at the library yesterday, so I should have time to read them. One of the books is from an author that I haven't read before. His latest book has started out very promising, so if I like it, there are may more of his works that I haven't read. I'll be reading out of order, but that's okay, because if I hadn't read about this recently published  book in the N. Y. Times book review, I never would have known about him at all.

In addition to the MSU/Michigan game today, the Northern Illinois Huskies take on the Eastern Michigan Eagles at 1:00 p.m. EDT today. The Kansas City Royals took back a game in San Francisco last night, winning by a score of 3 - 2, to take a 2 - 1 lead in the World Series™. The Royals came on late in the season to win the Wild Card and go on to the World Series™.

So that looks like enough for a few days. The sun will set at 6: 45 p.m. EDT this evening. Before that, we'll take a morning walk with Sugar the Weather Dog and then walk to the Post in the afternoon. Mary does have to make deviled eggs, so she may be unavailable for that morning walk. That's okay, because Sugar and I will have a nice time out on the town. When Mary goes along, we walk fast, while Sugar and I like to meander along the way. Well at least I do. Sugar has the governing factor of me at the end of her leash. Ciao.

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